Chapter 10

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It was after five in the morning when Trinity's lashes fluttered open. She knew where she was. She hadn't forgotten the night. Suppressing the urge to stretch and reminisce, she dragged in a slow breath instead. Yet, the warmth from the bed tried to coax her into snuggling in for a few more moments of sleep. It would be easy to succumb. The room held a tranquil bliss as hints of a striking red and yellow dawn started to claim the sky and peek its way in. She had to resist.

Dante's light snore told Trinity he was still sleeping sound. Hopefully. She needed to escape despite the inviting atmosphere. The last thing she wanted was an awkward morning. Not that she knew for sure there would be any awkwardness. It was just that she didn't want to take the chance.

Carefully, she slipped from the bed then searched the floor for her clothes. Thankfully, her shirt was on the side of the bed with her jeans and panties at the foot. Where were her socks and shoes? And her bra? Damn.

Crawling around to Dante's side was too risky. She abandoned the search for the lost articles of clothing, rejoicing when she found her shoes near the bathroom door. Perfect.

All she needed to do was...wait. She needed her purse. And all of her packages! This was shit. Pure shit. She would have to text Petra for help. Did Petra even know where her cousin lived? She seemed clueless half of the time. Trinity didn't wait any longer, and left the room with her clothes bundled in front of her. She would get dressed in another room. Lord knew there were enough of them.

Tiptoeing down the hall in more of a naked trot, she decided a bathroom had to be around somewhere. Curiously, some of the doors down the hall were locked when she tried them. Strange.

Reaching for the knob to the final door in the hall, Trinity frowned confused when the click happened before the twist. A gasp from over her shoulder made her stiffen. Shit. Just why she thought she and Dante were the only ones in this gigantic house, she did not know. Of course there were bound to be other people. Crap! With a gulp, Trinity risked a small look over her shoulder.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't know he had someone with him. He never does."

Trinity relaxed at the woman now standing with her back turned. She appeared to be dressed in a pant suit. No, that wasn't right. It was a uniform. Was she a cleaning lady? Trinity pulled on her jeans and shirt, hopping around as she dragged on her shoes.

"You can turn around now. I'm the one who's sorry."

The woman turned, a light blush on her cheeks. Trinity couldn't help but return the woman's cute smile which rapidly morphed into a worried pout, complete with wringing hands.

"No, no. It's my job to know who's in residence and who isn't. I failed on that. Mr. Venturi's going to be upset."

Trinity grimaced. The woman appeared to be close to her own age, if not a little younger. She felt bad for her. No one should be afraid of their employer. 

"I don't think he'll be upset, miss."

"He keeps staff at a high standard. I'm in the wrong here."

"What's your name?"

"Katie," she said bowing her head.

"Katie, why does he even have to know? He's sleeping. He doesn't need to know shit. Besides, you saw my ass not his. Who cares?"

The young woman couldn't help herself and allowed a giggle to escape for which she promptly apologized. Trinity laughed with a shake of her head.

"I need to get out of here before he wakes up. It was nice meeting you, Katie."

"Same here, miss. And...thank you."

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