Chapter 16

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It was a few days since her spanking, and her butt was still smarting a tiny bit. It was a curious thing really, since it didn't hurt at the time. But over the last couple of days, sitting down was a reminder.

Trinity smiled. He wasn't joking when he said he was taking off the kidskin gloves. That she wasn't glass. A part of her felt liberated by his normal treatment of her. It should make her feel a little resentful, but she couldn't find it in her.

How could she resent someone helping her back to normality? Another thing Dante helped bring out in her was her inner teenager. Never had she ever been so defiant in her life. She never had a chance to rebel as a teenager. Her parents would have been appalled.

It would be a lie to say it wasn't fun. Being a slob and back talking was sort of...awesome. The punishment? Even better. But she couldn't lose sight. She couldn't lose sight for why she was doing this.

To be able to have the freedom to choose what she wanted without anything being forced upon her. That was the real reason. The reason she wanted Dante to see. Hopefully, he did. Because if he didn't by the time Petra came, she would definitely be going home with her.

Plus, there was her store to think about. It was closed right now. She was losing money every minute of every business day. How was she supposed to pay her rent? She would need to talk to Petra before her stuff was tossed to the curb.

Without a care for who was listening, she dialed Petra's number.

"Hey girl. You surviving?"

"Yup. When are you coming?"

"Probably end of next week, at the latest."

"Can you do me a huge favor?"

"Name it."

"Can you pay my rent on the store and my apartment? I have no way to do anything electronically, and I don't want to lose my stuff."

"I already did it. No worries, girlfriend."

"Oh my god. You're the best. I'll pay you back as soon as we get home."

"No worries. So where is the moron?"

"I don't know. I think he's on a trip. I haven't seen him since he spanked my ass."

"What?" Petra spit.

"Yup. Can't tell you about it over the landline, but I'll promise to fill you in once I either find my phone or you get here."

"I...cannot wait. I just know this is gonna be the greatest story of all time. You really need to write a book after all of this is said and done," Petra laughed.

"Tell me about."

"Oh jeez. I better go. I can hear my little minions arguing. Talk to ya, later."

"Mkay. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

Trinity hung up and sat, staring at the black office-like phone. With Dante away, she really should start looking for her own phone. She smoothed her hands over her disgusting dress. How many days had gone by? Five? Man, this thing stunk. And, her undies were getting stiff from all the hand washing she was doing. Not to mention her bra was fully out of shape. She was a total, uncomfortable, mess.

Why didn't he offer to get her some clothes? Why indeed. He knew what she was doing. No way she would admit it though. She would live in her dress for the next year if she had to!

Trinity wiggled her toes. Her pantyhose had a few new runs in them. She could take them off and trash them, but what fun would that be?

Happy with herself, she marched to his study. At least she figured that's where she was going. She had never really been there before. It was probably on the first floor.

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