Chapter 21

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He didn't run to her right away. He couldn't. He should have. Dante paced back and forth while he listened to Trinity recant the story of Gio's idea to off him. He couldn't say he was surprised. Having him complete the Luca job fucked him up. Dammit. This was his fault. And now it was too late.

He foolishly expressed his concerns and suggestions for Gio to his father, as if he had a choice, and set into motion a ticking bomb. This was bad. Dante ran both hands through his hair disheveling the style.

Gio was a dead man walking. The kid didn't even know it. Maybe if he talked to his father again, he could get through to him. They could put him into a rehab program and then, who knows.

"Dante? Are you listening to me?"

"What?" He turned on his heel giving his attention back to Trinity.

"Rehab isn't going to help the agenda he has for you, Dante. You know that, right?"

Dante shook his head. "I don't know. He's my nephew, Trin. I pretty much raised him. Fuck. How the hell am I gonna help raise our kid if I've already fucked one up?"

"You didn't."

"Yes...I did. I knew Gio wasn't cut out for this life a long time ago. But I made him...made him do some shit that screwed him over."

"So what? Can you travel back in time to undo it? No. We have to deal with what we know here and now. And, what we know is that Gio wants you dead."

"I know, I know. It doesn't matter. The real issue is my father. Fuck, Trin, I'm so stupid. I thought he would help. I don't fucking know why I even thought that. He wants Gio gone. Dead. Goddammit. I shouldn't be talking to you about any of this. This is so fucked up."

"Why not? You think I can't take it? Because I can. I'm stronger than I look, Dante. I'm strong because of you. You gave me the courage and strength to become someone all on my own."

Dante blinked. She was praising him? He didn't understand. Trinity stood before him, a determination in her eyes. He knew that look. He didn't interrupt.

"I told you. I made a mistake three years ago. A mistake in leaving. A mistake in believing I had to stay away from you, from everyone, to prove to myself I was free and independent. The fact of the matter was, I already achieved that before I even left. I left you, gave up on us, all for nothing. That's my biggest regret. One I'll live with forever."


"No. Let me finish. All this strength I've built gives me the ability to listen to you now. To help you when crap like this happens. What good am I if you have to shut me away like a glass doll? You told me I'm not made of glass, and you're right. I'm not. So lean on me, Dante. Let me be the one to do you favors once in awhile. Even if it's something as small as listening to problems that seem as big as a mountain. I can take it.

"Baby," Dante grabbed the back of her head pulling her into him. "I love you so fucking much. Thank you," Dante chuckled. "Your offer is going to bring nothing but my complaining about all sorts of shit. So be warned."

"I don't mind," she said muffled into his shirt.

Dante pulled away from her. "My parents are hosting a large family dinner on Sunday. I'm going to introduce you then."

"Oh. Okay."

"My father wants to discuss Gio in more detail. Shitty time to want to do that, if you ask me."

"Will Gio be there?"

"I don't know."

"What about Petra?"

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