Final Fight

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Silver went to punch Mephiles but he captured Silver with a purple orb. Silver quickly got out of it with his Psychokinesis and made daggers to throw. Mephiles dodged all of them and made tiny orbs to blast Silver.  Silver dodged all except one. 

Mephiles: It's no use. I have 6 chaos emeralds. You've been gone for about 2 days. Once I reach 7 I'll reach ultimate power!

Silver: DO YOU EVER SHUT UP!!!!!!

Silver pulled apart buildings and started making a giant meteor covered in debris and concrete and other heavy stuff like that.

Silver: Meteor Smash!

Silver threw the meteor at Mephiles. Mephiles made his crystalized spear and slashed it in half. Silver was panting exhaustingly.

Silver in head: All this power. Can I win? No. I must win!

Mephiles: Oh I see so you have a chaos emerald with you.

Silver rushed before he tried to get the emerald.

Silver: Chaos Control!

Silver slowed down time and went to Psycho Smash him. But he grabbed Silver before he could do it.

Mephiles: Did you really think that a simple Chaos Control could stop me? Such a shame.

Mephiles held his hand out and sent clones made out of black licorice liquid that grabbed Silver and exploded. And Silver collapsed on the ground trying to get up. And Mephiles took the emerald from him.

Mephiles: You know. You had a chaos emerald so I was expecting alot more from you. I'm disappointed in you. After the fight that your friends put up they had hope that they would win by trapping me in a Scepter of Darkness that Shadow made. But of course they lost to me. They are weak after all. They were stupid to thi-

In a blink of a light Silver held a psycho dagger to his neck with a death glare on his face.


Mephiles felt threatened and jumped back a bit. Silver had a dark essence around him. Mephiles quickly noticed there was something even more than the dark essence that changed about him. The dagger had wasn't light blue it was now light blue covered in dark black. Also Silver looked slowly getting darker and darker.

Mephiles: So theres more to you than I thought. You want to test tha-

Silver: More than happy.

Slowly darkness started taking over Silver's body as he grasped Mephiles's body and throwing him across the buildings destroying everything. And then he threw his body into a house. Black liquid went underneath Silver and a crystal spear appeared. Silver dodged it and broke it. 

Mephiles: Enough of this! It's my turn.

The 7 chaos emeralds turned Mephiles into Ruby Mephiles. His quills turned white with red tips. But strangely enough this was Mephiles's super form yet he still failed to produce a mouth. Silver started turning into his full dark form. He had neon blue hands and eyes while his quills turned black. 

Ruby Mephiles: So this is your dark form? Hm impressive. But you're no match for me.

Dark Silver: You wanna find out?

Ruby Mephiles and Dark Silver clashed and went against each other. Dark Silver got an entire building and threw it at him. Ruby Mephiles crystal speared it and cut it in half. Dark Silver got the broken building pieces and put it together while crushing Ruby Mephiles. Ruby Mephiles used his red orbs and surrounded him to do his own style of chaos blast and focused it on Dark Silver. Dark Silver was about to stop it with his psychokinesis but it suddenly disappeared with Ruby Mephiles appearing above and kicked him in the head then sent smaller versions of red orbs on him.

Dark Silver: What happened?

Ruby Mephiles: Don't you remember? I can travel through time. I'm unstoppable!

Ruby Mephiles started time traveling around Dark Silver while punching exploding and cloning himself around him. 

Ruby Mephiles: Well looks like this is your end. Too bad you failed your friends.

Dark Silver started getting angry when he got a vision. He Ruby Mephiles teleporting behind him then stabbing him in the back with his crystal lance. Dark Silver quickly went on instinct and blocked a crystal spear that appeared behind him with his psycho dagger. 

Ruby Mephiles: What?! How?!

Dark Silver remembered the time stone he had and assumed thats how he was able to see those visions. And continued to change those visions and clashed with Ruby Mephiles evenly matched.

Ruby Mephiles: How are you predicting my moves?!

Dark Silver: What can I say I'm a guy who time travels for a better future for the world.

Dark Silver got his Meteor Smash ready combined with a swarm of Psycho Knives. Ruby Mephiles cloned himself and started a crystal spear attack to cut the meteor down. Dark Silver quickly got his time vision and quickly reacted. He let Ruby Mephiles cut his meteor making him think that he won but Dark Silver took the broken meteor apart and hit every clone. While using the knives on Ruby Mephiles stunning him for a minute.

Dark Silver: It's no use!!!! TAKE THIS!!!!!!!

Dark Silver rammed Ruby Mephiles then finished it with a full charged Psycho Smash. When he did that his negative energy went into the time stone and broke it. After that time started restarting.

Everything started restarting from before a few days before Silver started getting his memories back. But because plot convenience Silver still had every memory from those few days of what happened. And woke up to a familiar voice.

Blaze: Silver? Why are you asleep on the beach? In the middle of the morning?

Marine: Do I need my old poking stick out?

Silver smiled.

Silver: No reason in particular.

Silver the Hedgehog ( What I'd think would be interesting)Where stories live. Discover now