Silver's Origin

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Silver flew across town looking for Mephiles. Eventually finding a purple glow. Silver surprise attacked him by ramming him into the wall.

Silver: YOU DID THIS!!!!

Mephiles: Silver? You're alive!? How!? I sent you to a place that would guarantee destroy you. 

Silver: Well I'm here and alive! Now what did you do to my family! The person I saw as my little sister! My crush! All my best friends!

Mephiles: I told them you were dead. Sonic and Blaze started rampaging. Shadow then managed to calm them down. But that was a mistake. 

Silver's eyes widened in anger. And charged at him. Silver started punching and kicking Mephiles but he blocked and grabbed Silver's foot threw him into a broken down building. 

Silver: Why are you doing this? All this?! FOR WHAT!!!!???

Mephiles: For my enjoyment of course. Do I need a reason to conquer? 

Silver: You're despicable!

Mephiles: I'll have you know if it wasn't for me destroying the future you would've never been born.

Silver: What? What are you talking about!? How could you destroying the future lead me into life!!??

Mephiles: Let me explain. It all started in another timeline.

Silver: What? Another timeline. So you're from the future!? 

Mephiles: Not exactly. It started a long time ago. In another life. It all started the way it was supposed to. I managed to trick you and Blaze into an attempt of killing Sonic the Hedgehog. Long story short my plan worked I've killed Sonic. Freed Iblis from it's vessel and started my destruction. And after all that Shadow was blamed for all of it. Eventually people blamed him so much even his friends started thinking he killed Sonic. And betrayed him one by one. All except the simple bat Rouge. Everyone turned against him except Rouge and stuck by his side for years. And at some point Shadow grew feelings for her. At some point the person hunting Shadow. Omega. Managed to hunt him down and attempted to murder him. But sacrifices were made and Rouge died protecting Shadow. 

Silver: What!

Mephiles: He was furious. The person he was in love with died in front of him. And no one was around to help him. Except one. Amy saw Shadow depressed. She was the only one who stood up for him and made him feel better. Amy continued to help him. Eventually they both developed feelings for each other and started dating. But that all last too short. Shadow was still being hunted down and they found out Amy was pregnant. The day the baby was coming out Omega found their base and targeted them. Shadow got Amy to Tails's base as quick as they could. Tails didn't trust Shadow. He too thought he killed Sonic. The only reason why Tails allowed Shadow was because Amy was one of her best friends. 

Mephiles: Shadow knew Omega would find them so he left them alone as he sacrificed himself for them. After about more than a day later Amy left her baby that she named Silver to Tails. Told him to take his time machine in the future hoping for a time where peace is made instead of war. Also thinking theres a possiblity if they went to the past they could make the situation worse. So Amy left to find Shadow. Sacrificing herself for the hope of saving Shadow. Leaving Tails alone with the choice. In his hands he had the son of one of his most hated enemies. But in his hands he also had the baby of his sister. 

Mephiles: He made his mind and trusted Amy. He went in time 200 years in the future a one ticket trip. But it failed. When he arrived 200 years in the future. He was hoping he could take care of you by himself in peace the way Amy and Shadow wanted it. But 200 years in the future and things were worse than it was back then. After that Tails survived the best he could while raising you. He also discovered that your psychokinesis came from a combination of your mother's psychic skills. And your father's chaos powers. But in the near future he died protecting the resistance from Iblis when you were 8. And after that the resistance took care of you. While you tried your best to do what Tails couldn't. 

3 years later you met a mysterious cat. Her name was Blaze. The resistance was very suspicious of her since she had the power to control flames. And she looked as if nothings happened in years. At some point she even said she once met you in an amusement park made out of candy. Which no one knew what that was. But you stood up for her. After that you 2 became best friends while protecting everyone from Iblis while trying to save the world. Then you guys met me. I sent you in time to kill Sonic but you failed. And even found my true motives. And even made your dreams come true to freeing the future from Iblis as a result you saw your best friend die.

Silver clutched his hands. He assumed he was talking about that dream he had. (From the beginning of the story)

 Mephiles: So I killed Sonic myself and unleashed Iblis on the world. But in a disgusting way Sonic was brought back to life then you teaming with Sonic and Shadow and defeated Solaris. And with that a new timeline was created. The one you live in right now. For some reason you changed the timeline yet I still survived and you even managed to return to your friends.

Mephiles started doing a evil laugh.

Silver: What's so funny!?

Mephiles: Let me show you something.

Mephiles took a orb out and teleported himself and SIlver to a nearby area. In that area Silver got angry at the sight he saw. What he saw was the corpses of his best friends. 

Silver: You. You'll PAY FOR THIS!!!!!!!

Silver the Hedgehog ( What I'd think would be interesting)Where stories live. Discover now