Scepter of Darkness

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Shadow hang the phone up and started looking around the gun files.

Rouge: Hey we've got a mission.

Shadow: what is it?

Rouge: Something like protect the president from a mysterious assassin or something.

Shadow: I have more important things to do than protect a president.

Rouge: Like what? Not like you do much besides save the world.

Shadow: Silver said he saw something that looked like me. I'm checking it out.

Rouge: Well have fun with that. If you need us you know where to find us.

Shadow nods and Rouge leaves. Shadow was reading some of Gerald's files but couldn't find anything.

Shadow: Silver isnt the type to lie. Unless he was tricked but even then who was tricking him?

Shadow kept looking through the files and found a report about a discovery Gerald made.

Shadow: The scepter of darkness sealed an evil entity.

Geralds report

Day 1

In the city of Soleanna I found a mysterious artifact it seems like someone hidden it from something. No matter I shall uncover its secrets


Day 7

This is really something unique. Apparently after digging in a little I've found out it's purply secrets. It has a some sort of barrier around it and after investigating a little i've found out that the barrier is supposed to keep something in. I shall continue my reports till I find out if this "thing" is safe or a danger.


Day 31

I've discovered stone tablets in a shrine talking about this object I've found. It's called a Scepter of Darkness. It has a great evil inside. I have a bad feeling about this. What should I do? I will keep studying the tablets until I make a choice.


Day 36

Ok after a lot of studying and examining the tablets I've found my answer. Apparently I'm supposed to give it to the Royal family of Soleanna. Also according to the tablets there's not a evil yet BUT one day a member of the royal family will seal the evil in there. And if prophecy goes it'll take form of something. Then afterwards a hero will rise up against it. Oh I almost forgot the evil's name is Mephiles the Dark.

End report

Shadow: hm this Mephiles guy. Could he had taken my form? But how? I probably shouldn't jump to conclusions just yet. I'll go visit Silver and ask him about this.

Silver the Hedgehog ( What I'd think would be interesting)Where stories live. Discover now