Get Ready

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Silver: Ok thanks for all you've done.

Doctor: You're very welcome. Stay safe.

Silver: You too. 

Silver left the hospital and went back to Sonic's house to ask some questions. Silver knocks on the door and no one answered. 

Silver: He's probably running around or fighting Eggman or just hanging with the others. Maybe he'll be at Tails's.

Silver flys over to Tails's workshop. 

Silver: Hey Tails you here?

Tails: Oh hi Silver. Is something going on?

Silver: I was looking for Sonic. Have you seen him?

Tails: I think he's in the back. Why are you looking for him?

Silver walked in with Tails.

Silver: Something's been going on recently. And I wanted to ask him a few questions.

Tails: Hey Sonic Silver's here to see you.

Sonic: Hey Silver what's up?

Silver: Can I talk to you in private?

Sonic: Sure.

Tails: I'll be in my room. 

Tails leaves leaving Silver and Sonic by themselves.

Silver: Sonic have you ever done anything that could destroy the future.

Sonic: What? I don't think so. Not that I know of. Is something going on?

Silver: I'm not sure. Thats what this conversation is about.

Sonic: Oh. Well ok. Well basically if I did accidentally destroy a future it would be an accident or frame. 

Silver: Ok. I trust you. Next question. Do you know anyone that looks similar to Shadow.

Sonic: Similar how?

Silver: He looks almost exactly like Shadow. With the same haircut and everything. The only difference is he has no mouth, instead of red shades has grey shades, and has green eyes. 

Sonic: No mouth? I'm pretty sure I'd know someone with no mouth if I met them. 

Silver: Hmmm. 

Shadow: Silver!

Silver: Huh Shadow? What are you doing here?

Shadow: I've got some possible information. 

Silver: Really?

Shadow: Its just a hunch but apparently Doctor Gerald once dug up a artifact meant to seal some kind of evil. Apparently this evil can take a form. Maybe somehow it took my form. 

Sonic: Thats a pretty wild guess.

Shadow: And apparently its in a place called Soleanna.

Sonic: The same place with the festival of the sun?

Silver: Festival of the sun?

Sonic: Ya I went last year. Its supposed to honor a sun god or something. It was pretty fun and enjoyable.

Silver: Hey what does the Flames of Disaster mean to you.

Sonic and Shadow gave Silver a confused look.

Sonic: I've never heard of it. But it sounds like I should know it somewhere.

Shadow: Same here.

Silver: Apparently also known as Iblis.

Sonic and Shadow gave Silver another confused look.

Shadow: Where are you getting this from?

Silver: I don't know recently I had a dream about it. Part of the reason why I was afraid of it is because in the end of my dream Blaze died.

Sonic: What!?

Silver: I ignored it thinking it was just a nightmare. But later I passed out and next thing I know I'm having a dream similar to the other except this time I was angry for some reason then all of a sudden a stranger that looks similar to Shadow appears. Then he tells me and Blaze something then gives me a chaos emerald. Then after that basically told me Sonic destroys the future and is the reason millions of people died and I have to kill Sonic. Next thing I know I'm a hospital that Blaze and Marine took me to.

Sonic: Thats nuts!

Shadow: Ya Sonic can be crazy but not THAT crazy!

Sonic: Is that a compliment?

Shadow: Sure.

Silver: Thats what I thought but its been bugging me for a while. Also I see how fake Shadow earlier today. I'm not sure if I saw him or if it was just an illusion. But illusion or not I think something is wrong.

Sonic: It seems like it if you're gonna keep on seeing all this stuff.

Silver: Ok so wheres this Soleanna?

Sonic: Its not too far from here. It's Northwest from Station Square (Yes I'm making that up for obvious reasons I don't have to explain)

Silver: Ok I'll head there later. As soon as I tell Blaze and Marine where I'm going so they don't get worried.

Sonic: I'll head there to. Something tells me somethings up. I guess I'll see you there sometime.

Shadow: I'll go too. I need to find this Faker. And bring him down for insulting me. 

Silver: Thanks guys. I guess I'll see you there. 

Silver and Shadow leave.

Sonic: Tails. Looks like we have a trip to make.

Tails: Ok. But where are we going?

Sonic: Oh ya I'll explain.

Silver the Hedgehog ( What I'd think would be interesting)Where stories live. Discover now