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(The song has nothing to do with this)
TW: Arguing, Yelling (tell me if I missed anything)
The sides were once again arguing about what was best for Thomas. Logan and Janus were trying to keep things mostly civil and were more debating than anything. Remus had surprisingly sided with Patton most likely to try and get the gentle hearted side to see him in a better light. Roman and Virgil were sitting this out and trying to ignore the argument quarter.
In the end it was, as always, impossible to be kept out of the days argument.
"Virgil back me up!" Patton yelled.
"Wait what?" Virgil said, his head shooting up and turning towards the other sides.
"I'm right aren't I?" Patton said.
"I don't even know what you guys are even arguing about, " Virgil said, leaning against the princely side.
"You don't have to know to say I'm right, " Patton said.
"Oh of course Patton just let him back the loosing side without even knowing anything of the situation, " Janus dawled.
"Oh hush JanJan we all know you and the nerd are going to lose this argument, " Remus chirped.
"We most certainly will not be Remus. Janus and I have given multiple clear and precise points as to why it would only benefit Thomas to not go shopping with his friends. I can not possibly see how we could loose this debate, " Logan said.
While they descend back into chaos Virgil curled into Roman and tried to calm down. Roman was doing his best to help but with the other sides arguing which would soon loose all pretence of order and grown into a full scale yelling match between the four. Roman moved to help Virgil get out the command area only to be stopped by being asked where they were going.
"Away from this. You're freaking Virgil out, " Roman said pulling the anxious side closer.
"He doesn't seem freaked out, " Remus said.
"Well I am and all of your constant yelling is not helping in the slightest. I have been on edge for weeks because of these daily yelling matches, " Virgil snapped making the four shrink back.
"I'm sorry kiddo I didn't mean to hurt, " Patton said.
"Patton I'm older than you by three years don't call me kiddo, " Virgil said.
"Sorry, " Patton muttered.
"It's okay Pat, " Virgil said, "Now you four are going to sit down and talk about this like adults because remember you guys are 31 year old adults you should be able to come to an agreement without yelling. I'm taking Princy and am going to use him as a pillow and take a nap. When I get up in a few hour you four will have sorted this out and I better not be woken up by yelling. Understand? " Virgil said.
"Yes Virgil, " they said.
"Good. Let's go my prince I require sleep, " Virgil said and turned to leave.
"Coming Emo, " Roman said following behind Virgil.
Four hours later Virgil and Roman came back to the four sides watching Criminal Minds having come to the conclusion that Logan and Janus were right and it was best to skip out of the shopping trip.
"Now that wasn't so hard was it, " Virgil said and sat in Roman's lap.
(I think that Virgil is the oldest because fear begins to develop at 6 to 7 months. Patton would be the youngest because you begin to develop a sense of morality around 7.)

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