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I know this is late but I just saw that on Tumblr so I'm writing now
Remus hadn't liked Christmas in a long time. Janus while he was Remus best friend was never able to get a gift for him. Virgil didn't care enough. So Remus had never received a Christmas gift. That year Remus had been left by Janus. The dark side of creativity wasn't expecting anything to change.
It was Christmas Eve and all of the sides except for Remus were hanging out. Logan was keeping an eye out for him. Having developed a crush Remus he figured he could use the gathering to see Remus and hopefully confess. None of the others thought much of it when Remus wasn't there several hours into the party. Janus was to busy dancing with Patton to be worried about where Remus was. Virgil and Roman were in the corner talking.
Meanwhile Remus was hidden away in his room hoping to that his absence would be an adequate gift to the other sides. He knew no one would notice he wasn't there and even if they did the sides would be greatful to not have  to deal with the more immature side. He sat on  his bed wrapping his physical gifts for the sides knowing that non of them would know they were from him.
He head everyone heading to bed and crept downstairs with the gifts not noticing his brother in the kitchen watching him. Remus placed down the gifts and left back to his room where he knew he would be staying all of the following day.
Locking the door behind him Remus curled up in his bed and went to sleep knowing that this his absence like today would be the best gift he would be giving. What he didn't know was the the other sides had gotten him things and were all worried.
Logan had pointed out his absence and Patto had suggested that maybe Remus simply wasn't feeling well and said that they would probably see him tomorrow.
Christmas morning arrived and all the sides besides Remus were in the commens waiting for him.
"Maybe he's still asleep, " Virgil said.
"Maybe he was up rather late last night. I saw him leave these here last night when I went to get a snack, " Roman said.
"Why didn't he sign his name on any of them? " Patton said.
"Maybe he forgot to, " Janus said.
"We'll wait for him to awaken then open presents, " Logan said, looking worried.
Two hours later they were all worried.
"Maybe we should check out on him? " Roman said.
"I'll go, " Logan said already moving towards the stairs.
When Logan get closer to Remus' door he heard ICP blasting from the room. There was no way that Remus was still asleep with how loud the music was and how light of a sleeper Remus was.
"Remus? " Logan called knocking on the door.
The music paused and the door opened the reveal Remus wearing a skunk onsie holding a psychology textbook. His reading glasses perched on his nose.
"What can I do for ya Nerdy Wolverine? " Remus asked.
"I just wanted to know why you haven't come down yet. We've waiting for you," Logan said.
"Why? " Remus asked completely bewildered.
"Because it's Christmas. Do you not remember? " Logan asked.
"I know it's Christmas dork but why are you getting me?" Remus asked.
"What do you mean? Why wouldn't I? You have yet to come down and we are all very worried," Logan said not likeing how Remus only seemed to be growing more confused.
"Why are you worried? I thought you would guys would be happy not to have to deal with me on the happiest day of the year, " Remus said and Logan looked stricken.
"Why would that ever make us happy? " Logan asked.
Logan felt like he was missing something very important.
"I thought not having me around today would make you guy happy. You all clearly don't like me. Even Janny doesn't any more. You don't have to pretend to be worried. I'll be fine. I didn't plan on leaving me room today any way. Go have funny, " Remus said.
"What do you mean by that Remus?" Janus said making both sides jump having not seen the other sides coming up having grown worried about what was taking so long.
"Do you really think we don't actually want you around?" Roman asked.
"Well yeah. You guys never want me around," Remus said.
"Remus you do know we care about you right?" Patton asked.
Remus snorted and said, "No you don't. "
Roman looked like he had been hit. Logan honestly thought he was gonna cry. Virgil and Janus felt incredibly guilty. Patton looked horrified.
"Kiddo. We do care. You're part of our famILY, " Patton said.
Logan did start crying when Remus' expression shifted to one of complete confusion.
"No I'm not, " Remus said.
"Re? You know I care right?" Janus said.
"No. No you don't," Remus said.
"Remus?" Logan said.
"Yeah?" Remus said.
"I do care. I really do. Last night I noticed you weren't there and I was worried. The only reason I didn't come check on you is because Patton said you most likely didn't feel good. I should have come last night. I'm sorry," Logan said.
"Why are you apologizing?" Remus asked.
"Because I made you feel like we didn't want you around when I know for me it's the exact opposite. You are the only person who can even come close to matching my intelligence. You are amazing and I love being around you. Your ideas fascinate me. You are so full of life and understand things I most likely never will. You make me feel heard and listen when the others don't, " Logan said.
"Oh," Remus said.
"Re, your my best friend and I miss hanging out with you. I know I have hardly spent any time with you lately and I am truly sorry for that. I just want you to know that I do care I really do," Janus said.
"Remus you're my brother and I know I haven't been the best in recent years but I'm trying to get better and I do love you," Roman said
"What do you say Rat man care to join us for Christmas?" Virgil asked.
"I suppose," Remus said and put his book and glasses in his room.
Logan held out a hand which Remus took.
Maybe this year Christmas wasn't so bad especially since by the end of the night he had acquired a cute nerd boyfriend.

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