Little Bit Better

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🕷️🐍 (Pre-romantic or platonic)


Janus was the first person to ever see Virgil have a panic attack. He didn't know what to do and he was scared. The two were seven years old when it happened. Janus found Virgil panicking in his room after Thomas had broken something of his parents on accident. He managed to calm him down. He taught himself how to calm Virgil in any number of ways. Promising to be there for him always; and he was or at least he tried to be.

When Virgil left he still tried to keep the promise but he couldn't always be there. Once he was accepted Virgil put on a facade to stay that way and it broke his heart so Janus threw on the same one. They pretended to hate each other and neither knew it wasn't true. Janus stopped coming around and Virgil's heart broke again. Janus made it his mission to get accepted. He wanted to be by Virgil's side again. To laugh and joke with him.

When he did get accepted Virgil was bound to find out and Patton decided to do so via a meeting. He called all the sides to inform them of Janus' acceptance. Virgil was close to a panic attack since what the meeting was about was not stated in the text from Patton. Janus noticed all of the signs instantly. Janus had chosen not to wear his usual outfit and wore jeans and a yellow hoodie. Virgil noticed him instantly and tensed up; Janus felt his heart break a little.

"What is he doing here?" Roman spat still hurts from the events of Putting Others First.

"I'll explain in a moment," Patton said.

Virgil was eyeing everyone warily and moved ever so slightly closer to Janus. Only Janus noticed the movement but he thought nothing of it. At that moment Logan rose up and sat down.

"Now that everyone is here I have something to say," Patton said.

Janus shifted nervous burning through his veins.

"And what would that be?" Logan asked.

"Thomas accepted Janus and he has something he would like to say," Patton said.

Janus stepped forward and pulled his hands out of his pockets.

"I wouldn't like to apologize to Logan and Roman. Logan I am not sorry for silencing and impersonating you. It wasn't at the time what I saw as my worst option and for that I apologize. Roman I wouldn't like to apologize for calling you good. Both you and Remus are evil. Remus hasn't been my best friend since we were children. I am sincerely sorry for all of the problems I have caused," Janus said sincerely.

Everyone was shocked. Even Patton hadn't known what Janus wanted to say. Virgil broke into a grin that he quickly stifled.

"I accept your apology Janus," Logan said after a moment.

"As do I," Roman said.

Virgil stood up, "Janus can I talk to you in private for a minute?"

"Uh... no," Janus said and followed Virgil.

Once he made sure that the others couldn't see or here Virgil was crying and apologizing repeatedly. Janus rushed forward and pulled him into a hug.

"Hey. Hey. You aren't okay," Janus said running his gloveless hands through his hair.


"Yes but. I forgive you and I'm not sorry too."

"Why are you apologizing?"

"Because I wasn't in the right too. I always should have acted the way I did. I wasn't hurt when you left and when you ducked out I wasn't terrified and I showed up and you love me. I didn't act in retaliation. It was right of me."

"Neither was how I treated you though."

"Yes but you weren't scared."

"I missed you Janus. You make everything just a little bit better."

"I didn't miss you too Virgil."

Virgil smiled up at Janus, his eyes still red from crying but he still looked beautiful as ever to Janus. Janus smiled back and hugged the anxious trait once more.


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