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TW: none that I can think of
The sides minus Logan sat in the living room watching Batman Under the Redhood listening to Remus' random little comments about the characters and the comics. Thet heard the door open and Patton paused the movie.
"Remus I require your help with something in a moment if you would me meet me in our library in once you finish your movie, " Logan called.
"Alright. Can you push play Pat were five minutes from one of my favorite parts, " Remus said.
"How many times have you seen this movie? " Roman asked.
"Over 25," Remus said turning his attention back to the TV.
It was quite for ten minutes before a small seqeak from around Logan was heard.
"What was that? " Roman asked.
"Rat, " Logan said without a moment of hesitation.
The movie was paused again.
"I'm sorry what? " Roman said.
"Rats. I stole stole them, " Logan said opening his jacket to reveal four baby rats in an inside pocket and six full grown fancy rats cradled to his chest.
"Why? " Roman breathed out.
"The pet store had a sale but the manager called them ugly rodents, " Logan said giving Roman a blank look.
"And, " Roman said making a continue hand motion.
"So I hit him with a chair and took all the rats from his store. The store staff swore themselves to secrecy, " Logan said scratching one under the chin before passing the babies to Remus.
When Roman said nothing else Logan added, "They were very nice."
"Can we keep them? " Remus asked with the softest smile any of them aside from Logan had seen.
"I don't know kiddo, " Patton said.
Both Logan and Remus decided to use the most powerful weapon in the mindscape that was rarely used : puppy eyes. Somehow Logan and Remus managed to look cuter than any of the other when doing this and the tiny rats in their hands only made it cuter.
"Alright but you two better take care of them, " Patton relented.
"PATTON! " Roman cried.
"Thank you. We promise too, " the two smartest sides said in unison before rushing off to set up a corner of the library for their new pets chatting excitedly.
"I don't think I've seen Logan that happy since we asked him out, " Virgil said.
"Nor Remus since we agreed to go out with him, " Janus said.
"Their such nerds, " Janus said.
"Their our nerds though, " Virgil said.
"That they are, " Janus said.
"We should probably go make sure they don't go over bored, " Virgil said
"Yeah probably," Janus said and the other two followed their boyfriends.
Sure enough the two we spoiling the rats. At least the nerds we happy.

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