o l d t i m e s

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It was 2075. Y/N reached the ripe age of 80 years. It was her golden years. She's definitely lived a fulfilling life, there was no denying. After years of being surrounded by so many people, be it her children or Dylan, it was time she spent some time alone. When she heard that there was an all-elders cruise ship vacation, she got herself a ticket instantly.

There she was, overlooking the pacific ocean. Her wrinkly hands were on the safety railings. She loved how the sunlight bounced off the water surface, making the water look sparkly. Out of habit, she played with her wedding ring. Oh, how she missed Dylan.

Beautiful Dylan. He was good to her. He really meant it when he would be there for Y/N in joy and sorrow. When Calum left for good, she was broken. When he left with the guys in the car, it felt different. She knew that that was really the last time she would see Calum. It was the final nail in the coffin which solidified that she wouldn't be spending the rest of her life with Calum.

Though Calum wasn't there anymore, Dylan was. He embraced her past with Calum and stopped trying to pretend that it didn't exist. He knew she loves Calum dearly and he couldn't do anything to stop that. In fact, he shouldn't do anything to disrupt their sacred love. Y/N came across a love so strong, she should count herself blessed to feel such a type of love. He didn't want to hold it against her. Some part of him was happy that she got to experience pure love in her lifetime. Though he couldn't provide the same type of love for her, he accepted the fact. Don't get him wrong, he was madly in love with Y/N, but he couldn't change the fact that she loves Calum.

He spent sleepless nights consoling her and being there for her when she felt like she had nobody. He was there for her, when all she could think about was to be there with Calum. And for that, Y/N was eternally grateful for Dylan.

"I should get something to drink," she said to herself, turning on her heel.

Her body jolted slightly when she saw an elderly man looking directly at her. He was clad in a smart button-up with matching suspenders. His brown eyes were definitely familiar. It seemed like the man knew it was her because he had the widest smile. Past the grey hair, she could see the crinkles at the sides of his eyes. She knew exactly who this was.

"Calum?" she blurted, approaching him slowly. She fell into his arms and a whirlwind of memories flooded her mind. Calum missed Y/N for so long. Too long, even. Them meeting on the cruise was a one in a million occurrence. Yet, it still happened.

"How are you, love," he croaked. The cigarettes definitely got to him, she thought.

"Let's catch up over coffee," she suggested, earning another wide smile from him. She was still in a daze, trying to comprehend everything.

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"So, any more children you named after me?" he quipped after sipping on his piping hot coffee.

Her lips tightened in a smile at the thought of her children whom she loved to pieces.

"After Thomas, I had a girl," she answered.

Calum loved how she still had the spark in her eyes after all these years.

"I'm sure your daughter is a carbon-copy of you," he commented.

"How about you? What were you up to?" she asked.

"I stayed working at that coffee place, living a normal life. Came home to Duke every day until he sadly passed on." He wiped a stray tear at the side of his eye.

She pouted, rubbing his hand to comfort him. Man, it was so weird to see Calum now.

"What about Dylan?" he asked, earning a hearty laugh from her. It was so funny to her that Calum was still so strung-up about Dylan after all these years. But, her laughs diminished soon as she reminisced about Dylan.

"We lived our lives together for 53 years before he passed on from cancer." Her voice was still shaky.

He sighed, rubbing her hand just like she had done for him moments ago. "My condolences," he muttered.

"Alright, elders! It's time for Dance Night! Grab a partner and slow-dance away."

She looked up at the function hall. The lights grew dimmer and music from back in the day surrounded her ears. Elderly couples danced in each other's arms. All of them had different stories and life accomplishments but one thing that was common among all of them was that they've all experienced love. Everyone, in one way or another, has loved. Love transcends all differences. Dylan would love this.

"May I?" Calum asked, offering his hand.

She smiled and took his hand as he led her towards the centre of the hall. His hands rested on her back as he swayed to the music. She laid her head on his chest, overwhelmed with nostalgia. She choked back her tears. The slow music paired with her grief for Dylan and the fact that Calum was with her, it was almost too much to handle. Her whole life replayed in memories in her mind; from the day she met Calum on Street 11 to rebuilding her life alone to starting a family with Dylan.

She always wondered what it would be like to meet Calum again after all these years. She always wondered if his feelings for her would fade. Though she was committed to Dylan, she always had room in her heart from Calum.

"Do you still have feelings for me?"

Calum leaned back to look at her. God, she was still as beautiful as before.

"Oh, darling... I've never stopped."

And that was it. Maybe this was how it was supposed to be all along. The universe needed to keep her and Calum away from each other, so that when the two actually did meet, it would be like falling in love all over again. She dared to say that this was a little bit better than spending her life with him. It was just that much sweeter to see him after being separated for so long.

Calum met her when he had no purpose in life. Sure, he had the gang, but what was he actually doing with his life? Meeting her gave him a renewed purpose in life. Days didn't repeat itself anymore. Every day was different with her.

She met him when she was lost, both literally and metaphorically. She was moving from state to state and she didn't have anywhere to call home. But she found refuge in Calum's love. He taught her that love was full of sacrifices. He took her in when she was kicked out. He respected her as a young woman. He didn't pressure her into doing things she wasn't ready to do. Hell, he literally took a bullet for her! When he got out of prison, she learnt the meaning of loving someone for his good parts and the bad ones. She fixed a broken soul, all out of love.

Whether either of them knew it or not, both of them saved each other. They were each other's saviour. Sometimes, even that wasn't enough for their stars to align, but in the end, they came back to each other. Just like old times.

T H E   E N D.

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