n e w l i f e

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You took a deep breath as you pushed the doors to a local coffee shop. You entered and reported to one of the baristas there. 

"Hey, it's my first day working here," you whispered for who knows why. 

The barista strained his ears to hear you, but once he got what you said, he led you to the back and gave you a quick brief. You were just starting here, so you were stuck on dishwashing and cleaning duty the whole day. Considering how many plates and cups you were washing, the pay was the bare minimum. At this point, you were just happy to get some cash. 

[ 10 unbearably long months later ]

You sighed as you eyed the long queue forming behind the counter. As you gave the change to the previous customer, you turned your attention to the next one. 

"Hello, welcome to Linda's Coffee. What can I get you?" you breathed out, exhausted. 

As you looked up from the cash register, the wind got punched right out of you. The guy in front of you was handsome beyond compare. His blonde hair was swooped messily yet perfectly. What is going on?  

He was wearing a smart-looking suit, which was plus points, to begin with. His white button-up was slightly unbuttoned at the top, exposing his defined collarbones. His green eyes were piercing through your soul as he murmured something. 

"Did you catch that?" he teased, a small smirk forming on his lips. 

You shook out of it, apologising profusely. 

"Just a strong cup of black coffee for me, thanks." Wow, that was hot. 

You nodded as you jotted down his order. You passed the piece of paper to your fellow barista immediately, not wanting to hold up the queue any longer. You keyed the order into the system and told him, "3 dollars, please." 

While handing you some money, his slender fingers brushed yours. As you handed him his change and receipt, he leaned towards you. 

"I think you're attractive as well, Miss Y/N," he whispered, glancing at your name tag. 

This can't be real!

You giggled like a teenager while collecting his drink. You smiled at him as you scribbled down your phone number on the exterior of the cup, much to his delight. Gladly, you gave him his drink. He smirked goodbye and walked out of the door. You longed to leave with him. 

[ Fast-forward ]

Just like that, Y/N found herself a companion in Dylan. Who would have thought that she would meet someone so perfect just like that? It was a fairytale couple, honestly. As Y/N pushes through life's turbulence with Dylan by her side, she creates a new life for herself; one, far from her life with Calum. This is of course, with much struggle. She had to push away the past two years and act as if it didn't exist because if she did, well, she would be in jail. 

However, the fact that she had Dylan to properly grow up and figure out the game of life with, was very comforting. Instead of doing parkour on fourteen-foot buildings every other day, she was learning how to pay bills. Through Dylan, she secured a comfortable job as a personal assistant for the CEO of DoubleCore. (What a small world) It felt like just yesterday she was trespassing the headquarters with the gang. 

Soon enough, she reached the ripe age of 25 years old and so did Dylan. The couple happily bought a house that they could call their home. Y/N even got her first car! Life was finally starting to be normal: something that she didn't have, yet craved when she was Calum.

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