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"Hands up!" 

Y/N's heart dropped. Right in front of her, two cops charged into the ward Calum was in. Hurriedly, she entered right behind them. As if already expecting the cops to show up, Calum sighed and put down the magazine that he was reading from calmly. 

"What is going on, officers?" she asked with eyebrows furrowed. There was a pinch of fear in her eyes. How is Calum acting so calm right now? 

At that moment, someone who Y/N could only assume was a police investigator walked in with a smug look on his haggard face. "Well, well Calum Hood. The last member of the gang responsible for the Diamond Heist." Fear crept up Y/N's spine as the cops escorted Calum off the hospital bed. 

"No, stop!" she pleaded even though she stood no chance against the authorities. 

"Here we have Miss Y/N, innocent lover of Mr Hood. Since he didn't tell you, I will. Do you mind talking things over a cup of coffee?" the investigator babbled. 

"No! What are you going to do to him?" you screamed, trying to pry the officers' hands off of Calum. 

"Y/N, don't," Calum warned. 

"Mr Hood grew up in a gang in San Francisco and very recently, the gang attempted and actually succeeded in a diamond heist," the investigator explained as Calum's eyes were stuck on Y/N. 

Y/N gulped. Her eyes darted from Calum to the investigator.  Was she supposed to act surprised? How did Calum not say anything to prep her? She decided to stay quiet. She glanced at the investigator's lanyard. Investigator N. Jackson.

"It was foolish of these hooligans to actually think they would get away with this, don't you think Miss Y/N?" Jackson was getting uncomfortably close to Y/N. His beady eyes stared into her soul for a moment, as if to check if she was innocent. Y/N cleared her throat, her hands getting clammy. 

"I'm sorry you had to see this ambush on Mr Hood, but it was necessary. If anything interesting pops up, expect the bureau to contact you soon, but for now, have a good day Miss Y/N," Jackson rambled animatedly, tipping his fedora before leaving her shaken up in the ward. 

Y/N's jaw fell open at everything that had just taken place. She peered out of the window and saw the cop car parked outside. She could faintly hear Jackson say, "You'll be reunited with the rest of your gang in prison!" as Calum entered the cop car with his arms handcuffed. She stood rooted to the icy tiles of the empty ward as she watched the cop car zoom off to who knows where. She didn't know what to do. There was no procedure like this. Was she automatically tasked with the job of breaking the gang out? Was she supposed to carry on faking as if she had nothing to do with the heist? Who the hell tipped off the cops? For the first time in a very long time, Y/N was alone. Completely alone. She was basically disowned from her parents when she chose to be with Calum. Calum and the gang were all she had. 

Now, they're all busted. What the hell was she supposed to do now? 

The crippling thought of being alone with nobody by her side got the best of her. The adrenaline was pumping through her veins. She had to get out of there. When she associated herself with the gang, that automatically opened up the possibility of her getting in trouble with the mafias of the underground. Without the gang, she might as well catch the first plane out of Vegas and start a new life. 

So, that's what she did. 

Y/N bought the first flight to San Francisco. It felt like ages before the plane landed, especially with all of her nervous playing with her rings and her fist clenching tightly around the barf bag. Her mind was travelling at a speed faster than the plane. She was frantically trying to sort out her new life: where to stay, how to support herself financially. 

At the same time, she couldn't help but worry about Calum. Yeah, they did have their moments, but Y/N could not hide from the fact that she loved this kid and would do anything for him. Just that, now, she couldn't actually do anything. She wasn't about to throw herself in jail. Was she supposed to prove her allegiance to the gang by turning herself in? She loved every single one of those guys, but she can't go to jail! 

If you actually loved Calum, you would turn yourself in.

He wouldn't want me to get in trouble as well, right?

You're the biggest betrayer on planet Earth right now. 

She squinched her eyes shut, trying to put a stop to the deafening voices in her head. 

◧ ◨ ◩ ◪

Y/N hoped Keira stayed in the same apartment complex she did when they were still friends in college. Y/N inched closer to the door which had a golden '2' stuck on it with super glue. She took a deep breath, still holding on tightly to her duffel bag. She laid three hard knocks on the door. 


Y/N sighed defeatedly and turned towards the elevator. The sound of the door opening stopped her from moving any further. A blonde guy peeped out of the door with only his underwear on. His electric blue eyes fell on Y/N. She stood rooted to the ground, not sure what to do. 

Well, this isn't Keira. So, what now?

She walked towards the guy, much to his discomfort. He instinctively hid his near-unclothed body behind the door. 

"Hi. Would you happen to know if Keira still lives here?" you asked softly. 

Just as you asked the question, a petite girl walked towards Underwear Guy. 

"Y/N?" she blurted in disbelief. 

"Keira," you breathed out, beyond relieved that you have someone. 

She was in a loose flannel shirt, her hair tied up messily. She was bare-faced, but still looked as gorgeous as Y/N remembered. 

"What are you doing here? Aren't you in some gang or something?" she asked, still unsure about your intentions. Underwear Guy's eyebrows furrowed instantly and he retreated into the apartment. It never crossed his mind that someone so docile-looking could be part of some gang.

"Things didn't work out with me and him. My parents kicked me out," you muttered in a matter-of-fact way. 


The girls stared at each other in silence. Both of them were busy noticing how much the other has changed. Keira definitely got fitter. You looked just as innocent as before, but since Keira knew you associated yourself with a Street 11 gang, you looked seasoned. 

"I need a place to stay," you prompted to break the silence. 

"Oh, yes, of course. Come in," Keira blurted while opening the front door wider. 

You rolled in your suitcase in and followed Keira to the couch. 

"So? What the fuck happened?" Keira prompted bluntly. 

You were stunned. What do you tell her? You can't incriminate herself. Alright, you have decided. You were going to lay the role of the innocent girlfriend who had nothing to do with the gang activities. 

"He got busted and I'm alone now. I would go to his apartment, but I just need someone right now," you explained, feeling numb. 

"Who's this guy's name, again?" 


It burned to say his name. It felt like hard alcohol gushing through your throat. God, you were never going to get over this. 

"I remember when you were so adamant about him being good, and I kept telling you-" 

You pursed your lips, feeling so stupid. What if you never met Calum? You wouldn't have to deal with this shit. On top of that, you had to deal with it alone! Calum didn't have half the mind to prep you on this beforehand. You were at a point where you were beating yourself up for being so naive and stupid!

"Erm, I'm happy to let you sleep on the couch, but as soon as you get a job, you've got to help out with the rent," she informed. 

You nodded wholeheartedly, grateful for her generosity. 

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