m o r n i n g

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Rays of sunlight peeped through the curtains on the wall. It felt weird for Y/N to wake up without Dylan peppering her face with light kisses. She reached out to his side of the bed which was ice cold. Groaning audibly, she kicked the covers off and shuddered at the cold morning. Though it pained her to leave the cosy bed, she forced herself to sit up on the bed. She rubbed her groggy eyes, frowning at the sunlight. She glanced at the small alarm clock on the bedside table, shocked to see that it was already 11 in the morning. 

Dylan got us that clock, she thought. He was so stoked about the gold details on the face of the clock. "Just how you like it," Y/N remembers him saying. She got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen. 

Calum was already in there, checking out the Keurig machine. He watched intently as the machine poured Dylan's Breakfast Blend into the coffee mug he took. 

"Just make yourself at home, why don't you," you muttered under your breath as you were reaching for your favourite mug that somehow got onto the highest cabinet. Again. This was Dylan's favourite thing to do. He would purposely put your mug on the top cabinet, just so he could enjoy the satisfaction of you needing his help. You remembered just yesterday morning, he was standing behind you; his muscular frame was towering over you as he reached for the mug. You just knew he purposely took his time so that he could sneak his hand underneath your shirt. 

Calum heard what you said, letting out a small laugh. He carried the coffee mug and approached you. It was hilarious watching you stand on your tippy-toes, trying so very hard to get the mug. He towered over you, getting the mug with too much ease. While he was standing so close to you, he took the opportunity to wrap his arms around your waist. Just like old times. 

Calum's sudden motion triggered too many memories: both with him and with Dylan. The last thing you wanted to do was to mentally associate both boys too closely to one another. This sparked an adverse reaction in you and you stepped away from him awkwardly. 

He looked at you with his eyebrows furrowed. "What was that?" he laughed, thinking that you were joking with him. 

How do you tell him about Dylan? 

"We can't be doing that anymore," you muttered, feeling your cheeks starting to burn. 

Still thinking it was a joke, Calum pouted and got closer to you. "C'mon, Y/N. I've been waiting to do that for so long now," he cooed. 

Just before he extended his hands to lay his hands on you again, you sounded, "There's someone else." Gosh, you couldn't even look at him. 

You broke the silence with a loud sigh before snatching your mug from him. You walked past him to the Keurig machine. You watched as the coffee shot straight into your mug, holding the sides of the mug for more warmth. It was too early to deal with this shit. 

You slid your butt onto the tall barstools and tried to enjoy your dose of coffee. After a while, you mustered enough courage to look up at Calum, who was staring at you the whole time. 

"Stop looking at me like that," you seethed. 

"I know you're joking, Y/N," he mumbled before taking a sip from his coffee. 

You were offended! What, is it that unbelievable that I found someone else?  Calum could sense your irritation from your furrowed eyebrows. 

"Who's this guy, then?" he smirked, still convinced that this was a joke. 

"None of your business." 

Giggles erupted from his plump lips. Of course, you couldn't tell him about the new guy! He's not real, he thought. You were glowering at him. What is so funny? 

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