s i x d i g i t

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"No- Listen to me!" 

Everyone in the house woke up with the shrill sound of you screaming down the phone, trying to get your mom to cooperate with you. A whole hour went by and you weren't getting anywhere. Mom was getting frustrated because number one, her younger daughter was abducted and number two, she had no clue where she was. To make matters worse, you were getting agitated at Mom for not knowing anything useful. 

"Just think! There must be something-"

"I don't know!" 

You sighed, your head hanging in defeat. You shook your head, not knowing how to continue. 

"Look, mom. You have to come here. I'll send you the address or whatever. We can't get anywhere over the phone," you muttered. 

Silence on the other end. This would be the first time you actually see your parents in more than five years. 

"Okay," she replied after a long period of radio silence. 

You ended the call, taking a long breath. Your nostrils flared from the amount of air you were inhaling. You were lost in your thoughts. You hadn't thought about how this would be the first time Dylan would meet your parents. This reminded you of when Calum met your parents for the first time. 

Light knocks on the door brought you out of your thoughts. You looked to the door and saw Dylan peek into the room with a cup of coffee in his hands. 

"Hey," he mumbled, pushing the door more so he could come in. He approached you with a comforting smile. He handed you the cup of coffee which you gladly took. You downed the whole thing within seconds. This got a reaction out of Dylan. 

"Woah there, love. Do you want to talk about it?" 

You seethed at the warm coffee going down your throat. You used the back of your hand to wipe your lips. "It's my parents," you muttered, eyes looking in the distance. 

Dylan leant against the wall beside you, folding his arms. "They're coming here," you broke the news. Dylan took in a deep breath, nodding his head slowly. He knew that you weren't on good terms with your parents, so he knew where you were coming from. 

He engulfed you in a reassuring hug and laid a kiss on your forehead. You stayed in his arms as his thumb ran circles on your back. You left Dylan to inform Calum about your parents.

As you walked down the stairs, you saw Calum feeding Thomas breakfast. 

"Here comes the plane," he said in a sing-song voice. Thomas' giggles echoed throughout the kitchen. You laid a kiss on Thomas' head as he chewed his soft food. Calum watched you and Thomas, silently yearning to be in Dylan's position as Thomas' dad and your fiance. 

"My parents are coming to discuss who this person is," you muttered to Calum, eyes still focused on wiping Thomas' chin. 

"You can look at me you know," Calum smirked. 

You looked up at him with squinted eyes before leaving the kitchen. 

◧ ◨ ◩ ◪

They're here. 

After more than five years. 

Take a deep breath. They're just your parents, so relax. No big deal. 

You opened the door to see Mom and Dad who were just as anxious as you. You didn't bother saying anything, so you led them into the house. Dylan was standing in the living room, greeting them with a wide smile. He still wanted to make a good impression. 

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