Chapter 11

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2 weeks later

Ariel and Eric had been at their honeymoon home for 2 wonderful weeks. Ariel and Eric had met lots of new friends. Eric packed up all of their things and loaded them on the ship. Ariel was saying goodbye to their new friends. "Now you guys are welcome anytime." Moana says as she hugged her new friend. "Oh we will definitely be back." Ariel said with a giggle. Eric walks up and rests his hand on her shoulder. "Ok that's everything. It's time to go." Eric says. "Well it was wonderful having you both here. Please come visit us again sometime." Moana tells him. "Oh we will. Ariel and I both enjoyed the visit. Thank you all for the warm welcome." Eric replied. Moana nods to say your welcome. "Well until we meet again! Goodbye." Eric says as he and his wife walk towards the ship. Ariel waves at her friends and then boards the ship along with her husband. Once they got settled Eric told the captain to start sailing. Soon they were heading back to the kingdom. Eric and Ariel were watching the waves crash against each other. "Ariel. Darling,....." he trailed off. Ariel turned and looked at him. "Yes Eric?" Eric was a little nervous. "Darling? Um.... Have you been having any food cravings?" Eric asked with a blush. Ariel was a little confused. "Well, no. Eric why are you embarrassed? You know you can talk to me." Ariel asked as she placed her hand on his cheek. "Well....." Eric blushes a little more. "Well.... You see.... I...." He studdered. Ariel looks at him with worry. "Sweetie, what's wrong. Just tell me. I will understand." She says as she rubs his cheek. "Well....
Ariel.... I was trying to see if you...... If you had any symptoms of...... Being with child." He said with embarrassment. Ariel looked at him for a short moment and then burst out laughing. Eric was alarmed by this. Had she gone mad? Does she not think she is going to get pregnant? Why was she laughing? Ariel continues to laugh for a moment and then smiles. "Oh Eric you should have just asked. There's no need to be embarrassed about it. Just ask ok?" She asked with a laugh. Eric looked relieved. "Phew, well that's a relief. I thought you might be offended." Eric said. "Why would I be offended I'm just as excited to start a family as much as you are." Ariel says. Eric starts to explain but then decided to not go into that just yet. "Oh nevermind. It's not important." Eric says as he takes her hands in his. Ariel smiled. "Now that we have that settled, have you been throwing up in the morning? Having mood swings?" Eric asked her with a goofy grin on his face. Ariel giggles. "No I haven't had either of those." She answered with a smile. "Ok well I think it's safe to say that you are not with child. I think that's what's best for right now." Eric replied as he wrapped his arm around her waist and held her hand with his other hand. "I think so too." She smiles. "Well, I'm glad we agree. I just think you should get used to the human world first before we bring a baby into the world." Eric says as he starts to dance with her. "I totally agree. I have so much to learn about the human world. I want to be able to explore the world first." Ariel said as Eric started to spin her. "And you will I promise." Eric says as he leans in close to kiss her. Ariel smiled at this. The wind suddenly picked up and blew through their hair. Ariel loved this. It was very romantic. They kissed once more. Then they continued to watch the waves roll.

Meanwhile back in the ocean

Morgana was still watching the Royal couple. "Ugh. Look at them! Ugh! It's sickening." Morgana told Undertow. Undertow was also disgusted by this. "Ugh! I know! All that lovey dovy stuff is gross." Undertow exclaimed. "Don't worry we won't have to watch for much longer. She will soon be with child and then we will steal the child and take over antlantica!" Morgana says as she and Undertow start to laugh evilly.

1 week later

The Royal couple were finally arriving back to their kingdom. Ariel was very excited. Ariel woke up very early that morning because she was so excited. Ariel put on her robe and went out on the deck to watch the ocean waves. About an hour later Eric wakes up and reaches for Ariel. He keeps feeling the bed for any part of her to grab and snuggle with her, but he soon noticed he was the only one in the bed. "Ariel?" He asked as he sat up in the bed. Eric observed the room and saw that the covers were pushed over towards him. "She must have gotten up but where did she go?" He asked himself. He got up and went to the closet to grab his robe and noticed her robe was missing. He walked outside to the deck of the ship to find her watching the ocean. "Ariel? What are you doing out here? It's five o'clock in the morning." Eric said as he walked over to her and hugged her tightly. "Oh hi Eric. I couldn't sleep. I was too excited! We are getting close to the kingdom. I can feel it." She says as she joins him in the hug. "Well, you really had me worried." Eric said as he kissed her forehead. "Oh I'm sorry, but I didn't want to wake you. You were sleeping so peacefully." Ariel replied as she kissed her husband on the lips. "Well I guess we are even then huh?" He chuckled. Ariel giggles at this. "Yes I suppose it does." She replied. They both laughed. "So what do you want to do first when we get back to the kingdom?" Eric asked. "Oh I think I want to take a day to rest first." Ariel said. "Really?" Eric asked as he was surprised at her answer. "Well yes! As long as you are by my side." She says as she batted her eyes like Sebastian taught her. Eric smiled and pulled her close. "Of course Sweetheart. Oh I love you so much." Ariel giggles as Eric puts his head on her shoulder. Soon the sun started to rise. The newly Weds watched the sunrise in awe. Ariel got more and more excited as they got closer to the kingdom. Eric noticed this. "Ariel. Come on let's get packed up." Eric suggested. Ariel smiles and nods. The couple went back to their chambers and started to pack their things.

A couple hours later the ship arrived back at the kingdom. Ariel got super excited. She was excited to see where her prince slept before they were married. She was excited to see the kingdom. She was excited about everything. "Eric! We're here!" She said with excitement in her voice. Eric chuckled. "I've never seen someone so excited to come back from the honeymoon." Ariel giggles. "I'm sorry. I guess I'm just a little excited. I have so much to learn about the human world." Ariel says as she watches the captain of the ship put the gang plank down so they can get off the ship. "It's alright darling I completely understand. We have so much more to discover up here on land." Eric said as he put one of his hands on her shoulder. Ariel smiled at this. Soon the gangplank was down and secured. Grimsby and Carlotta were there at the dock to welcome the Royal couple back. Ariel was so excited to see them she ran down the gang plank and hugged them both. They were both shocked by this. "Oh.... Yes.... Welcome back my dear." Grimsby said. "Yes it is good to have you back." Carlotta replied. "Oh we had the most wonderful time!" Ariel started to tell them all about their trip. Eric laughed at this. Eric then walked down the gang plank. Grimsby walked up to the prince. "Boy you did pick a chatty one didn't you?" Grimsby whispered. Eric laughed. "Yes, I suppose I did. But I wouldn't pick anyone else. I love everything about her." Eric said sincerely. Grimsby chuckled as well. "Well I suppose that's all that matters." Grimsby said as he patted Eric on the back. Then Eric decided to stop his wife from blabbing every detail. Eric walks up to his wife. "Ariel. Darling let's not tell them everything at once alright?" He asked as he placed a hand on her shoulder. Ariel blushes. "Sorry I just get a little excited." Ariel said as she looked to Grimsby and Carlotta to apologize. "Oh that's alright my dear, come we have everything ready for you in the palace." Carlotta replied as she took Ariel and walked her to the palace. Ariel looked in awe as she stepped into the palace. Then she realized that she couldn't exactly remember where everything was. Eric and Grimsby were right behind them. Eric then saw the horrid look on her face. Eric rushed over to her. "Darling? Are you alright?" He asked as he put his hand on her shoulder. "I can't quite remember my way around." She says softly as her cheeks turned red. Eric chuckled. "Well, I don't expect you to. You were only in the castle for three days and then we were gone for a month. So don't worry, I understand." Eric says with a small smile. "Oh Thank goodness because I don't remember hardly anything." Ariel said with a sigh of relief. "Oh you two must be exhausted from your trip. I will go draw a bath for you." Carlotta says as she walks up the stairs towards their room. "Yes we would like to take a day to relax. If that's alright?" He asked looking to Grimsby for approval. "Oh yes, Of course, your duties can wait one more day. You two enjoy yourselves." Grimsby says as he walks off to give the couple some privacy. Eric smiles and puts his arm around his wife. "So shall I show you to your new room?" He asked. Ariel nods excitedly. Eric smiles and starts to walk her up the grand staircase. Ariel stops to look out the window. "Oh wow! You have a great view of the ocean." Ariel said with a small smile. "Yeah it is beautiful, isn't it?" Eric asked as he wrapped his arms around her. "Yeah. It kinda makes me miss home." Ariel said sadly. Eric was surprised by this. "Oh...... I'm so sorry." Eric said. Ariel noticed the tone in his voice and turned her head to look at him. "Is something wrong?" She asked. "Oh, no. I was just a little surprised to hear that from you, since all you have ever wanted was to be part of the human world." Eric replied. Ariel smiled. "Yes. I am a little surprised myself, I didn't think I would miss the ocean but I do." Ariel said as she looked back at the ocean view. Eric turned her head back towards him. "Just so you know, this is your home now too." He says as he caressed her cheek. She smiles and kissed his lips. "Thank you Eric." She says. "You're welcome sweetheart." He says as he picks her up and carries her up the stairs. He continues to carry her until they arrived at their room. He carefully set her down. "Welcome to your new bedroom." He says as he opened the door. Ariel was so excited. She was very impressed with how fancy everything was. The bed had a canopy on it. There was a fireplace for those cold winter nights. Then she went into the bathroom. There was a huge bathtub. "Wow! This is all mine?" Ariel asked. "Not just yours it's ours now, but yes. You are welcome to anything in this room." Eric replied as he showed her around. "Wow! This is amazing!" Ariel exclaimed. Eric smiled. Then Ariel yawned. "Ok baby. You need to take a nap. You were up way too early this morning." Eric says as he scoops her up in his arm and carries her to the bed. Ariel nods. He pulls back the covers and tucks her into bed. Then he gets on the other side and cuddled up with her. She embraced him tightly. "I love you." She whispered. Eric kissed her head. "I love you too sweetheart." Eric says. Ariel closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

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