Chapter 15

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The couple goes down to the dining room for breakfast, and is met by Grimsby and Carlotta. "Well, Good morning you two." Grimsby greets. "Good morning Grimsby." Eric replied. Ariel just simply nods. The couple sits down for breakfast. "Now Eric, remember that Ariel has princess lessons today." Grimsby says. "Ah yes I had forgotten about that. Ariel do you think you are ready for that?" Eric asked. "I think so. You are going withe though right?" Ariel asked. "Of course, I will be there with you every step of the way." Eric says as he kisses her hand. Ariel blushes. "Well then it's settled. After Breakfast we will get started." Grimsby says. Ariel and Eric nod. After breakfast they all went to the library and started their lessons. "Now Ariel, now that you are in the line for the throne, you have to work on your posture." Carlotta says. "Oh. Ok." Ariel replied. "Ok now straighten up and pull your chin up." Carlotta says as she starts to fix Ariel's posture. Ariel was now sitting up tall and had her chin up. She felt as tall as Eric. "Good now you have to keep this posture almost all the time." Carlotta replied. "You must walk in this posture as well." She says as she begins to demonstrate as she walked across the floor. "Oh ok." Ariel says as she was a little confused. "Ok. Now let's see you do it." Carlotta replied. Ariel nodded as she got up from the chair and began to walk. She stands up tall and turns her chin up a little too far not knowing it was too far up. So she starts to walk with her head towards the ceiling and starts to trip over her feet. She falls to the ground. Eric rushes over to her. Ariel darling, are you alright?" Eric asked as he lifts her head up. Ariel looks at him. "Yeah I'm ok." She says as she sits up. "Oh thank goodness. You took quite a fall there." Eric replied. "Yeah I guess I didn't do the walk right." She says with a giggle. "Yes that was terrible darling." Eric says as they both laugh. Eric helps her up and then Eric helps her with her posture. "Ok sweetie let's try that again." Carlotta says. Eric then goes and sits down again. Ariel nods and then starts to walk again. She then reaches the other side of the room. Carlotta smiles. "That was very good. Ok Ariel you keep practicing that and we will do some more tomorrow alright?" Carlotta asked. Ariel nods. "Great I will see you later." Carlotta says with a curtsy. Carlotta leaves the room. Ariel goes and sits down with Eric again. "Ariel. You did great!" Eric says as he hugs her. "Oh thank you, but it's all thanks to you." Ariel says as she puts her arms around his neck. Eric blushes. "Oh just trying to help." He said. "Well you did help. I should probably keep practicing for a while." Ariel says as she kisses his cheek. Then she got up and continues to practice. Eric continues to give Ariel pointers. Then after about a half an hour Ariel finally got it down. "You did it Ariel! You are walking like a princess!" Eric says. "Yay!" Ariel says as she jumps into his arms. "Ok well royalty isn't supposed to jump into my arms like that." Eric says. "Well nobody is around. Besides as your wife aren't I supposed to be loving like this?" Ariel asks as she batts her eyes. Eric couldn't resist. She looked so cute. Eric laughed. "Ok you got me there. Just don't do this in public." Eric says as he wins at her. "Ok!" Ariel says excitedly as she pulls him into a passionate kiss. Eric melts into the kiss. Ariel pull out. "Oh Ariel, I love you so much." Eric says. "I love you too Eric." Ariel says as she kisses him again. Eric then stands up and sets her on the ground. "You still don't know your way around the castle do you?" Eric says. Ariel shakes her head. "Well would you like a tour?" He asked. Ariel smiled. "I would love that." She says. "Great let's go shall we?" He asks as he puts out his arm for her to grab on too. She takes his arm and they start to walk. He shows her around the castle. "So this is where the guest bedrooms are. If we have any friends or other Royal visitors, they stay in these bedrooms." Eric says as he guides her through the guest wing of the castle. "Oh wow! So if my father turns my sisters and himself human, they can stay here?" Ariel asks excitedly. Eric chuckles at her reaction. "Well of course! Wait would they even do that?" Eric asked. "Probably not, but hey I married you. So anything is possible." Ariel said cheerfully. Eric chuckles. "Oh Ariel you are always optimistic about every situation. I love that about you." Eric says as they continue to walk. Ariel blushes as kisses his cheek. Eventually they have made it down to the dungeon. "And finally this is the dungeon. This is where we keep all of the prisoner crooks and villains." Eric says. "Oh so this is a human dungeon. We have one in the ocean too." Ariel says. "Oh really?" Eric asked. "Yes! Although it's not a building, it's an endless whirlpool." She explained. Eric was very fascinated by this. "Really? But when the prisoners are supposed to be released, how do you remove them from the whirlpool?" Eric asks curiously. "Well my father uses his Triton to pull them out of the whirlpool." Ariel says proudly. Eric was really impressed by this. "Wow! That's awesome! Maybe I could go see it someday?" Eric asked hopefully. "Absolutely! I would have to ask my father if it's alright but I am sure he would be fine with it. He loves showing off his kingdom." Ariel says. "Well I don't blame him. If it were my kingdom I would be very proud of it too. It's just super cool." Eric says as they leave the dungeon and go back upstairs. It was about dinner time so they started to head to the dining room. Ariel giggles. "Well do you know what I think is super cool?" She asked flirtatiously. Eric shakes his head. "I think it is super cool that I married a human and get to be 🎵part of your world.🎵" She says as she sings that last part. This gave Eric the shivers. Oh how he loved to hear her sing. "Oh Ariel. You have the most beautiful voice." Eric says with his heart pounding. Ariel giggles. "Oh Eric." She says as she blushes. "I've heard you sing too. I love your voice as well. It's so handsome." She says. They then reach the dining hall. "Oh but it's not as good as yours." He says. They both blush. Then Carlotta came out with the dinner plates. They all eat dinner and then the royal couple went upstairs to their chambers for the night. Ariel started to change her clothes in front of the mirror. Eric was doing the same thing. When Ariel gets to her underwear. Eric puts his hands on her hips. "Oh Ariel. You are so sexy." Eric says as he starts to move his hands up to her breasts while looking at themselves in the mirror. Eric was only in his underwear as well. Ariel smiles. "Oh you are pretty sexy yourself." Ariel says as she says with his movement. Eric smirks. "Well why do you say we do something about?" Eric suggested as he started to kiss her neck. Ariel loved this. "Oh Eric!" She exclaimed. Eric smiled. "I'll take that as a yes." He says as he pulls her over to the bed and throws her on the bed. Ariel then looks at him with desire. Eric jumped on top of her and started to kiss her passionately. "Oh Ariel." He says between kisses. He starts to take her bra off. After he removed her bra he begins to kiss and play with her breasts. "Oh Eric! That feels so good." She says as she starts to squirm. He continues to kiss her breasts. Then he starts to kiss down her body. He starts from neck and works his way down. He soon makes his way down to her long underwear. He then bites it and drags it off of her with his teeth. Ariel was very impressed by this. "Wow! What happened to my sweet and loving Eric that would be afraid of hurting me every time we do something like this?" Ariel asked. "Oh he's out right now can I take a message?" Eric asked with a smirk on his face. Ariel laughed at this. "Oh Eric!" She said with giggle. Eric then began to kiss her stomach and worked his way down to her private parts. He then kisses her all over down there. Ariel was now ready to have him in her. "Oh Eric! I need you!" She says as she was starting to loose control of her breathing. Eric nods. He smashed his lips against hers as he entered her. Eric continues to kiss her while they rock back and forth against each other. Then after a while they get tired. Eric pulled out of her and wrapped her up in the blankets and then pulls her close as they both fall asleep.

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