Chapter 21

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Eric escorts his wife down the stairs and down to the dining room. They arrive at the dining room table and Eric pulls Ariel's chair out for her. She smiles and sits down in the chair. Ariel's morning sickness has passed so now she can eat pretty much whatever she wants at this point. Eric then sits right next to her. Grimsby walks into the room and sits down at the table. "Good morning Grimsby." Eric says with a smile. Grimsby smiles back. "Good morning Eric and Good morning Ariel. How are you feeling my dear?" Grimsby asked. Ariel starts to rub her baby bump. "I'm doing very well. The baby kicked for the first time." Ariel says excitedly.

Grimsby's eyes widend. "Oh my goodness! Congratulations my dear. That baby is going to be here before you know it." Grimsby says with a smile. Ariel smiles and leans against Eric. Eric smiles too and starts to rub her back. "I know. We are very excited though." Eric replied happily. You could see the excitement in his eyes. Carlotta walks in with their breakfast. Ariel was thankful because she was starving. "Breakfast is served." Carlotta says as she sets the plates down in front of them. Ariel immediately takes off the cover and starts to dig into the food.

Grimsby and Carlotta were surprised at this. Eric was used to it. He has to sleep with her so he has been acquainted with her behavior. Ariel finally looks up and sees Grimsby and Carlotta staring at her. Eric was casually eating his breakfast. Ariel swallowed the food she had in her mouth. Ariel starts to blush. "I'm really sorry. I was just really hungry." Ariel says shyly. Grimsby was still in shock. Carlotta starts to giggle. Eric rubs Ariel's back. "It's alright darling. You go ahead and eat." Eric says as he kisses her on the cheek. Ariel starts to eat again. Grimsby finally started to laugh. Carlotta laughs too. "Don't worry dear. I'll have chef Louis cook some more food for you alright?" Carlotta asked as she heads to the kitchen.

Ariel smiles and nods. Ariel soon had eaten everything on her plate, but she was still hungry. Carlotta came out of the kitchen. "Ok Ariel, The Chef is whipping up some more food for you. It should be ready very soon. "But, for now you can have my plate." Carlotta says as she places her plate in front of Ariel. Ariel gasps. "But Carlotta, I couldn't take your plate. You are probably really hungry by now." Ariel says. Carlotta insists that Ariel take her plate. "No Ariel. You need it more than I do right now. You are eating for two, So you are going to need to eat a lot more than usual." Carlotta replied. Ariel was still hesitant. "Are you sure?" Ariel asks. "Of course. Ariel as soon as the chef is done in there I will grab me some food too." Carlotta says.

Ariel smiles. "Thank you. I appreciate it. I am overly hungry." Ariel says as she starts to eat again. Eric then finished his plate. Eric had received a letter from Sebastian last night from Ariel's sisters. They wanted to make a mobile for the baby but needed materials from the land to make it. So Eric takes this opportunity to sneak off to get off materials and get them to his sister in laws. He knew that Ariel was going to be a while. She was probably going to eat five more plates full. Eric winks at Grimsby as if to signal him. Eric then turns to Ariel. "Hey darling, I have to go to a very important meeting to go to. Are you going to be alright here?" Eric asked as he put his hand on her shoulder.

Ariel looks up at him and swallows her food. "Yes I should be fine. How long will you be gone?" Ariel asked. "Probably about three to four hours." Eric replied. "Wow! That's a long time Eric! Maybe I should join you after breakfast." Ariel says. Eric tried not to freak out. "No darling. You need your rest. Besides, Max will stay to keep you company, and if you need anything, Carlotta will be here to help you. Alright?" Eric says as he pushes Ariel's hair out of her face. Ariel then nods. "Ok, but I'm going to miss you. We haven't really been apart much since I became pregnant." Ariel says. Eric then caresses her face. "I'll be as quick as I can. I promise." Eric says. Ariel smiles. "I love you Eric." Ariel replied. "I love you too." He says as he kisses her lips. Then he walks away with Grimsby. Ariel continues to eat again.

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