chapter 17

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After dinner Ariel and Eric headed upstairs. They walk into the room and there were lit candles every where. Ariel gasps. "Oh wow!" Ariel says. "Do you like it?" Eric asked as he puts his arms around her and leaned down to where they were cheek to cheek. Ariel lights up. "Eric did you do this?" Ariel asks. "Yes. Well technically Grimsby did it for me but it was my idea. He did it during dinner." Eric says as he starts to sway them back and forth. "Oh Eric. I love it! It's so romantic." Ariel says as she looks at him. "So you like it?" Eric asked. Ariel giggles. "Oh Eric it's wonderful!" Ariel says as she kisses him. Ariel then pulls out of the kiss before they get too heated. "Oh! I have a surprise for you too." Ariel says excitedly. Eric smiles. "Ok but could you turn around for a minute?" She asked. Eric didn't want to but he decided to be patient. Eric nods and turns around. Ariel then runs to her underwear drawer and took out her sexy nightgown. Then she goes into the bathroom and takes off her clothes. Then she slipped into the sexy night gown. "Please like this Eric." Ariel said mentally. She takes a deep breath and walks back out of the bathroom. Eric was getting anxious. "Are you almost ready?" Eric asked as politely as he could. "Ok Eric. You can turn around now." She stands in the doorway. Eric turns around and is shocked. Ariel blushes. "Oh Ariel! You look gorgeous and your night gown matches your tail. Oh Ariel. You look so sexy." Eric says as he slowly walks towards her like an animal stalking his prey. "Really? So you really like it?" She asked. "Oh darling. I love it!" Eric says with a bit of a growl. "Oh I'm so glad." Ariel says as she starts to strut a little. "Oh Ariel!" He says as he tackles her to the ground and ravishes her in kisses. Ariel giggles. "Easy there sharky!" She says as he continues to kiss all over her. Ariel giggles. "Come on sharky! Let's do this on the bed." Ariel says as she winks at him. "Of course darling." He says as he winks back. Eric picks her up and throws her on the bed. Ariel was liking this side of Eric it was kinda sexy in a way. Eric then practically rips his shirt off. He then gets on the bed with Ariel under him. "Oh Eric!" Ariel says. Eric then starts to kiss her lips passionately. Then he starts to kiss her neck. Ariel is loving this. She unbuttoned his pants. Eric looked down and saw this. Then a smirk appears on his face. "Couldn't wait my love?" He asked as he feels her nightgown. Ariel shakes her head. Eric growls as she pulls his pants down and throws them in the floor. Eric then pulls Ariel's straps down and slowly pulls her nightgown down to reveal her breasts. Eric quickly buried his face into her breasts. He starts to lick one. Ariel giggles as her breast was a little ticklish. "Ah ticklish are we?" Eric asked. Ariel nods. He then continues to tickle her breasts. She giggles uncontrollably. "Eric..... It tickles!!!" She says as she continues to laugh. He laughs too. Then he goes back to kissing down her body. "Oh Eric! That feels good." She says as she starts to loose her breath. Eric growls. They start to rock back and forth passionately while getting a little bit rough and rowdy. They continue to do this until Ariel can't take it anymore. She puts her hand on his chest to try and stop him. "Eric...." She says breathlessly. Eric then looks up at her. "Yes darling?" He asked as he continues what he is doing. Ariel pushed his chest harder telling him to stop. Eric stopped what he was doing. "Ariel is everything alright?" He asked as he caressed her cheek. "Oh Eric....... You.... Know... I...... Love..... You.... But we...... Need to stop..... For tonight." She says as she can hardly keep her eyes open. Eric then realized that she was completely exhausted and pulls out of her immediately. "Oh my goodness. I'm so sorry darling! I forget that you are not used to this kind of stuff I'm so sorry. Here let me get you tucked into bed." He says as he picks her up and puts her under the covers and tucks her in real tightly. Then he gets under the cover with her and kisses her head. Ariel smiles as she passes out from exhaustion. Eric notices this and smiles. "Oh Ariel...... My sweet little mermaid." He says as he kisses her head once more and wrapped her up in his arms. Then he drifts off to sleep.

3 weeks later

Ariel wakes up really early and has to throw up. She rushes to the bathroom and throws up. A few minutes later, Eric turns over and feels the bed for Ariel. He then opened his eyes and saw that she was not in the bed. "Ariel?" He asked. He then hears Ariel in the distance. He then gets out of bed and goes to investigate. He walks to the bathroom and finds Ariel on the floor puking in the toilet. "Oh Ariel, are you alright?" He asked as he got down there with her and held her hair back. After a few minutes Ariel stops throwing up. Ariel turns to look at Eric. "I don't know? I just woke up having to throw up." She says. "Well let's get you back to bed darling. You need your rest." Eric says as he picks her up and takes her back to bed. He then gets in bed with her and pulls her into his arms. He kisses her forehead. "If you need anything, I'm here for you ok?" Eric asked. Ariel nods. "Ok now get some rest." Eric says. They both go back to sleep. After a couple of hours it was time to get up and go down for breakfast. So Eric went and got dressed first and then started to wake up Ariel. He sits on the side of the bed and starts to shake her gently. "Ariel! Sweetheart. It's time to get up." Eric says. Ariel groans. "Come on baby let's go get some breakfast." He says. She groans again and finally gets out of bed. She slips on her slippers and then goes to get dressed. After a few minutes, Ariel comes out and slowly makes her way down to breakfast. Eric takes her arm. "I can walk myself Thank you!" She says kind of grouchy like. Eric was surprised at this. She has never talked to him like that. "Yes sweetheart. I will just go get the coffee ready." Eric says as he heads down to the kitchen. Ariel slowly walks down the stairs. She finally gets down to the dining room and sits down at the table. She was starving. Soon chef Louis came out with the breakfast. They lift up the lids of their trays. Ariel smells the delicious breakfast and makes a sour face and then has to run to the bathroom to throw up again. "Excuse me Grimsby but Ariel has not been feeling well this morning." Eric says as he gets up and runs after her. Once he arrives at the bathroom, he pulls back her hair. "Sweetheart, are you ok?" Eric asked as she finished throwing up. "What do you think?!" She yelled. Then she gasps. "Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry Eric. I don't know what has come over me." Ariel says as she embraces him. "I might have an idea of why you are acting like this." Eric replied. Ariel looks up at him. "What? What is it?" She asked with concern. Eric smiles. "Ariel I think you are with child." Eric says with a huge grin on his face. Ariel gasps. "Eric do you really think so?" Ariel asks. "I am almost positive. You have all the symptoms. You are grumpy, you are sick in the mornings and the food you love makes you sick." Eric says. Ariel then gasps and jumps into his arms. "We are going to have a baby!" Ariel squeals. "Oh Ariel! We are going to be parents!" Eric says as he spins her around. "Come on let's get you some fruit for breakfast." Eric says as he sets her on the ground and escorts her back to the dining room. Grimsby was worried. "Ariel. Is everything alright?" Grimsby asked. Ariel smiles. "Oh everything is just fine Grimsby. We have some news." Ariel replied. "Oh really? Well do tell please." Grimsby says. Eric smiles. "Ariel is with child." Eric says with a huge smile on his face. Grimsby and Carlotta are very delighted to hear this news. "Oh well congratulations my dear. We are very excited for you too." Grimsby says. "Thank you we are very excited." Ariel replied. "Um... Carlotta, Ariel can't eat this food can you maybe bring her some fruit please." Eric asked. "Oh yes dear Louis and I will get on that right away. Carlotta says as she takes the plate away. Ariel smiles and waits for her food. "So what do we have planned for the day Grimsby?" Eric asked as he starts to eat his breakfast. "Well we do have one meeting today after Breakfast but if Ariel wants to sit this one out, we will completely understand." Grimsby says as he looks to her. Eric looks at her too. "Ariel would you like to come with us or would you like to lie down upstairs until the meeting is over?" Eric asked. Ariel then yawned. "I am extra tired today but I think I can handle one meeting." Ariel replied. "Sweetheart, with all due respect. You look really tired and I think you should go back to bed." Eric says with concern. "What?! Are you saying I can't handle it?!" She shouts. Grimsby looks alarmed. Then Ariel gasps. "Oh my gosh. I'm sorry Eric. Maybe I should lay down after breakfast." Eric then rubs her back. "That's alright darling. I know that you don't mean it." Eric says with a smile. Ariel smiles back. "Here we are, a big plate of various fruit." Carlotta says as she places the plate in front of Ariel. "Thank you Carlotta." Ariel says with a sweet smile. "You're very welcome my dear. And if you need anything today let me know ok?" Carlotta asked. Ariel nodded. Carlotta then walks back to the kitchen. Ariel starts to eat her breakfast. "This is very good." Ariel says as she continues to eat. "Well, I'm glad you like it dear." Grimsby says. As soon they all finish their breakfast, Ariel yawns again. "Grimsby I'm going to put Ariel to bed and then I'll be down for the meeting ok?" Eric asked. "Of course Eric. I'll be in the library waiting for you." Grimsby says. Eric nods. " Ok Ariel. It's time to get you back to bed." Eric says as he picks her up and carries her upstairs. "But I want you to be with me." Ariel says as she wraps her arms around his neck. "But sweetheart, I will only be a couple of hours. You will probably sleep that long anyways." Eric says as he comes to their room. "But I'll still miss you!" Ariel says as she makes a sad face. Then Max comes up to them both. Eric enters the room and tucks Ariel into bed. "Hey Max." Eric says as he gets down and scratches behind his ears. "Hey how about if Max stays with you? Would you like that?" Eric asked. Ariel nodded. "Ok Max. Will you stay with Ariel until I get back?" Eric asked. Max barked happily as a response and jumped up on the bed with her. "Good boy." Eric said as he scratched him once more. "Ok Ariel, I'll be back in a couple of hours. I will see you when I get back. I love you." Eric says. "I love you too." Ariel replied. Then Eric went back downstairs. Ariel pats next to her to tell Max to come to that spot. Max comes up and lays down next to her. Ariel puts her arm around him and drifts off to sleep.

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