Chapter 6

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Eric wakes up and sees his precious wife sleeping in his arms. He just loved her so much. Yes he did get tired of teaching once in awhile, but for the most part he liked being the teacher. Soon he finds her waking up. She flutters her eyes open. She looks over and smiles at her husband. "Good morning my love." Eric says as he pulls her into a kiss. She smiles as they pull out. Eric leaves to go get their breakfast. Ariel gets out of bed and picks up her robe and robe tie off the floor. She puts on her robe and ties it. Ariel had just got back into bed when Eric came back for breakfast. They eat their breakfast and put away their trays. "So Eric what are we learning today?" Ariel asked excitedly. "Well we have already covered the whole section about human babies and human bodies so do you have any more questions about that before we move on?" He asked kindly. Ariel thinks for a second. Then she gets excited. "Oh I have one!" She says excitedly. Eric chuckles. "Ok go on." He says. "How many babies do you have at one time?" She asked. "Well, once again, that all depends, but most of the time it's just one. Now there are rare occasions that you can have up to eight at a time but that is like a one in a million chance so I wouldn't worry about it." He says as he rubs her back. "Eight?! Eight babies at one time?!" She asked as her jaw dropped. Eric laughs at her face. "Yes, but like I said it is extremely rare. It almost never happens." He says reassuringly. Ariel then looks relieved. "What are the chances of having two at a time?" She asked. "Well that's still rare but it's possible, but I'm pretty sure we will just have one." Eric says as he pulls her close and rubs her back. "Good because I think it's best we start off with one." She says. Eric smiles and agreed with her. "I think so too." He says with a smile. "So, how would you feel about having a baby?" Eric asks. Ariel smiles. "Oh Eric I would be honored to have your baby." She says as she hugs his chest. "Are you sure you aren't nervous or anything?" Eric asked. "No. I understand how babies work now. So now I can't wait to have a baby with you!" She says with excitement. Eric smiles. "What about you? Do you want one?" Ariel asked as she looks up at him. "Oh Ariel nothing would make me happier. I have been dreaming about it for a few days now." He says as he rubs her back. Ariel's eyes light up with excitement. "Really?! You have been dreaming about us?!" She asked with excitement. Eric smiles and nods. "Yes. I have been a little excited about our future." He says with a small smirk on his face. "Well what have you been dreaming?" She asked excitedly. "Well I did have a dream that you were with child and you kept slapping me across the face. I can't remember why though." He says with a confused look on his face. Ariel giggled. "Oh Eric. I would never do that." She giggled. "Well, I wouldn't swear to it. Women act different when they are with child." Eric says with a smile. Ariel's face turns serious. "Really? Like how?" She asked as she tilted her head sideways. "Well, they get hungry all the time and want the craziest things. They also sleep a lot more than usual." Eric explained. "Oh do they get mad?" Ariel asked curiously. "Well yes sometimes. Some get angered more easily than others." Eric says calmly. "Do you think I will?" She asked in fear. Ariel didn't want to be rude to her husband. She didn't want to get into fights with him. Ariel never liked fighting. She would only argue if she had to. "I don't know Ariel, but I promise to not hold anything against you. Alright?" Eric asked as he brushed her bangs out of her face. "Are you sure? You won't be mad?" She asked as she bit her lip. "No of course not. If you do yell at me or hit me or something, it won't be your fault. The baby will be responsible." Eric says. "So do we need to punish the baby when it comes?" Ariel asks. Eric can't help but laugh. "No sweetie. It won't actually be the baby's fault. What I meant was I won't be mad because the pregnancy will make you do those things." Eric explains. "Oh ok." Ariel says taking in the information. "Ok why don't we just let this information settle in today and start the next lesson tomorrow ok?" He asked. Ariel looks at him and smiles. "Ok but can we still talk about babies? It's amazing how they are made." Eric smiles. "Of course sweetheart, but later is it ok if we dance out on the deck like we did on our first date?" Eric asks. Ariel gasps. "Oh Eric! That is so romantic. Yes of course we can." Ariel says as she kisses her husband passionately. Eric was surprised on how well she could kiss. Eric pulls out and then kisses her head. "So what else do you want to know?" Eric asks. "Oh yeah, what if Ursula's evil sister tries to get revenge?" Ariel asks absentmindedly. The she gasps. "Oh No! What if Ursula's Evil sister tries to get Revenge?!" Ariel says starting to freak out. Eric wraps his big strong arms around his beautiful wife. "Shhhhh..... Calm down......" Eric tells her calmly. Ariel feels his big muscles protecting her. She takes a deep breath and takes in his scent. She starts to relax. "There..... Now tell me about this Evil sister you are talking about." He says calmly as he keeps his arms wrapped around her and starts to sway her. Ariel is blown away by the way he was instantly able to calm her down. She was also turned on by his muscles. "Well...... Ursula has a sister named Morgina...... She is even.... worse than Ursula....." She says between breaths. "Oh really?" Eric asks. Ariel nods. "Well if she does come for our baby then we will just defeat her like we did Ursula." Eric says assuring her everything will be alright. Ariel looks into his eyes. "Are you sure? She has this shark as her evil minion." She says with worry. "Of course. I lost you once I'm not going to lose you again and I'm not going to let an evil witch take away my wife or child." Eric says as he hugs her tightly. Ariel smiles. She always feels safe in his arms. "Oh Eric. You are so brave." She says as she hugs his arms. Eric smiles and kisses her cheek. "I just want to protect what is mine." He whispered into her ear. Ariel giggles. She loved him so much. They decided just to lie there in each other's arms. Soon Ariel grew tired. She yawned and snuggled up against her husband she closes her eyes and falls asleep.

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