Chapter 1

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Hi Everyone! Just wanted to let you know where I will be starting this story. Ok so we will be starting at the end of the movie where they sail off after the wedding. Ok I hope you Enjoy!!!! 😊😊😊

It was a beautiful day. Ariel and Eric just got married. Ariel hugged her father goodbye as they were about to sail off on their honeymoon. "I love you Daddy!" She whispered into his ear. He smiles and puts a rainbow in the sky. Then they all say goodbye and the ship sails off. The people on the ship started celebrating. They all ate cake and danced and had a great time. Eric walks up to his bride. "Ariel, Darling, would you like to dance?" Eric asked politely. She smiled. "Oh Eric I would love too!" She says excitedly. He kisses her hand and escorts her to the middle of the dance floor. They waltzed in circles for a while. Then Eric spins her around. Oh she was having the most fun of her life. After a while the ship started to head back to the kingdom to drop all the guests off. The party was soon over and all the guests went back to their homes in the kingdom. Grimsby was very happy to be back on land. Grimsby said goodbye to the newly wedded couple and went back to the castle. Soon it was just Ariel, Eric, And a couple of men to steer the ship. As soon as everyone was off the ship, They sailed off on their honeymoon. Eric picked his wife up in his arms and pulled her into a passionate kiss.
"Oh Eric I love you so much." Ariel said when they pulled out of the kiss. Eric smiles. "Ariel I love you just as much." He says. "Ariel shall we take this into the bedroom?" He asks hinting that he wanted her in bed. She nods excitedly. She was so excited. She now gets to sleep with him in bed. She has wanted this for a while. "Alright then." Eric says with a smirk on his face. Ariel didn't know exactly what he had planned but she knew it had to be great. Eric carries her into the bedroom. He lays her down on the bed. "Oh Eric this is so exciting!" Ariel says. "Oh yes it is darling. I am very excited too." He says as he takes off his boots while sitting on the side of the bed. Ariel is so excited she can barley sit still. Eric then gets in the bed with her. She grabs him and starts to kiss him. "Darling you must be uncomfortable in that dress. Would you like to take it off?" He asks. "Oh well it is a little uncomfortable. Sure! Would you help me?" She says as she points to the back of the dress. "Of course Darling." He says as he starts to untie her dress. He takes her dress off of her.and throws it in the floor. Ariel was wearing a human bra, that the Royal dress maker made her wear. Ariel was in nothing but a bra and underwear. "Oh Ariel you are so beautiful!" He says as he smothers her with kisses. Ariel giggles. "Now Eric how about your clothes? Can I help you out of yours too?" She asks sweetly. "Yes darling Please! These clothes are so itchy." He says laying it on thick. Ariel takes off his blazer. Then she takes his shirts off and throws them in the floor. Ariel was so in shock. He was so hot without his shirt on. "Ariel are you ok?" Ariel is spaced out for a moment. "Ariel? Ariel!" Eric says trying to get her to speak. She finally snaps out of it. "Oh I'm sorry. Its just.... You very handsome with a shirt on but when you take it off.... Oh Eric you are so hot!" She says as she takes a look at his chest and starts to explore it. "Oh really?" He asks. She nods and starts to explore his chest. "Would you like to explore the rest of me?" He asks. She nods excitedly. "Alright then have at it." Eric says. Ariel dives to his belt buckle. She tries to remove it but she can't. Eric see this. He moves his hand down and shows her how to unbuckle it. He chuckled. "Yes it is a little difficult isn't it? Here let me help you." He says as he helps her unbuckle his belt. "Oh Thanks sweetie." She says. "No problem darling." He said. Oh he we wanted her so bad. Then Eric puts his arm around her body. His wife then pulled his pants off and throws them in the floor. "Oh Wow! This is amazing! Your legs are very strong!" She says as she runs her fingers down his his legs. Eric slowly takes off his wife's bra. "Oh Thank you Eric that thing was starting to bother me." She says as she continues to explore Eric's legs. His legs were a lot hairier than hers. Then she started to take his underwear off. She takes it off and throws it in the floor. Ariel sees that he looks different down there than she does. He soon slides her underwear off too. She starts to explore his private area. She touches his manhood. He twitches. Ariel is alarmed by this. "I'm sorry Ariel you just made me feel excited. I will try to stay still." She smiles. She was not prepared for what was about to happen. She continues to explore him. "Oh Ariel I can't take it anymore. I want you so bad!" He says as he gets on top of her and starts to kiss her roughly. Ariel was shocked but liked it so far. "Ok hold on darling it's about to get a little rough but I promise it will only be for a little while." Ariel is confused. "Wait....." It was too late he already entered her body. She screamed. "Eric!" She yells. He sees that she is unhappy and pulls out of her. She immediately slaps his shoulder and starts to cry. "Darling what's wrong?" Eric asks with concern. "Eric that hurt. And why would anyone want to do that anyway?" She says. Eric then realized that she had no idea what he was doing. "Darling I'm sorry. I didn't realize you didn't know what I was doing. I didn't mean to hurt you and now it pains me to see you like this." He says as he lays beside her. Ariel covers herself with the covers. "Ariel you have no idea how human children are made do you?" He asks with a kind tone in his voice. She sniffles. "Children? What..... does that have..... to do with children?" She asks as she continues to cry. "Sweetie When two humans are in love, we do this and then have a child later. When I enter you I'm giving you a seed and with your seeds sometimes that makes a child. It doesn't always make one right away but we humans do this out of pleasure. Ugh. I should have had someone explain this to you before we left. I feel terrible for hurting you." He says as he caressed her cheek. "Wait so you were just trying to make me happy?" She asks with a sniffle. "Yes and I'm so sorry that I hurt you. I love you so much." Eric says as he starts to kiss her. "Then why did it hurt so bad?" She asked. "Because we are both virgins and when a woman is virgin it hurts a little while but then the pain goes away." "Oh Eric I'm sorry I slapped you." Ariel says as she hugs her husband. "Ariel I'm the one who is sorry. I should have know that mermaids and humans don't do it the same way. Honestly I never meant to hurt you. Please forgive me. We can take it slow if you like." He offers. Ariel smiles. "I would like that." She says. "Oh thank you for forgiving me. Let's start with wiping those tears away so I can see your beautiful eyes." Eric says as he wipes his tears away. "Thank you Eric. Sorry to spoil our wedding night." Eric is shocked by this. "What are you talking about? You haven't spoiled it. Besides the night is still young." He says. "Ok well can I just explore you first? I have never seen anything like this before and I am a little curious." She asks. "Of course Darling. Remember this is your wedding night too. I will try to stay still while you explore me. Ok?" Eric asked with a sweetness in his voice. "Ok Thank you Eric. I love you." She says as she embraces him. "Oh Ariel I love you more than anything in the world." They both smile. Ariel kisses him. She just lays against him for a moment. Then she gets out of underneath the covers. Eric lies down so she can explore. Ariel runs her fingers down his legs. He gets excited by her touch. Ariel looks closer at his manhood. She touches it. Eric flinched again. He couldn't help it. She just made him so excited. "I'm sorry darling. I'm trying not to move." He said. She giggled. "It's alright. I know you are trying." She says with a sweet smile. She starts to become aquatinted with his body. "Ok I think I'm ready to try again." She says as she lays down. "Are you sure? Because it will still hurt a little until you adjust." He asks. "Yes but go slow please." She says. Eric moves on top of her. "Ok but if you want me to stop just tell me ok?" He asks. She nods. He slowly enters her. Ariel screams in pain. "Are you ok darling?" Eric asks with concern. Ariel nods with her eyes shut tightly. "The pain should go away any moment now." He says. After a moment Ariel relaxed and opened her eyes. "Eric the pain is gone." Eric relaxes with this news. "Good I'm glad." He says. He starts to move around inside her. Ariel liked this part. Eric then kisses her lips. She kisses back. He then runs a finger across her private parts. She starts to get excited. "Oh Eric." She says as she tries to stay calm. Eric runs another finger down there. She got even more excited. "Are you doing ok?" He asked with concern. She nods with excitement. "Good. Let me know if you need to stop." He says with a kindness in his eyes. He continues to explore her body with his. After a while Ariel starts to get tired. So Eric pulls out of her and puts her underneath the covers and then gets underneath them with her. He pulls her close. He kisses her goodnight. "Goodnight my princess. I love you so much." He says. She cuddles up against his chest. "Goodnight." She says. He watches her for a while and falls asleep.

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