Chapter 22

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1 month later

King Triton and the whole Kingdom have been planning a baby shower for Ariel and Prince Eric. King Triton had sent Sebastian to fetch Eric and Ariel for the party.

Meanwhile, Eric had just woke up and found Ariel hugging him very tightly. She was also sweating while she was sleeping. She suddenly starts to hold on even tighter and sweats even harder. Eric has never seen her like this before. Max then wakes up and sees this too. Max starts to whimper as he can sense something is wrong. Ariel starts to shiver in fear. "No...... Please no....." Ariel says as she continues to dream. Eric then gets worried and starts to shake her. "Ariel wake up." He says. Ariel continues to dream. Then finally she sits up and screams.

Eric is very alarmed. Ariel starts crying. "Ariel. Did you have a nightmare?" Eric asked as he put his hand on her back. Ariel turns and pulls him into an embrace. "Oh Eric! It was awful." Ariel replied. Eric rubs her back. "It's alright darling. Do you want to talk about it?" Eric asks as he rocks her back and forth. "Oh Eric....... I dreamt that..... Morgana took our little baby....... And then she drowned our baby." Ariel says as she balls her eyes out. Eric then lifts her chin up so their eyes are locked on each others. "Shhhhhhhhhh..... Nothing is going to happen to our baby." Eric says as he kisses her head. Ariel sniffles and nods. Eric then brings her back into his arms.

Then Max comes over and gets in the middle of them. Ariel sits up and sees Max. Eric then smiles. "Ah yes! And thank you Max. You did a great job." Eric says as he scratched Max's head. Ariel then looked confused. "Wait? What did max do?" She asked. "Well, He let me know that something was wrong. I woke up and saw you sweating and holding on to me really tightly but didn't know what was going on. Max woke up and saw you and immediately started to whimper and nudge at you. So that was when I started to try and wake you." Eric says. Ariel smiles. "Oh Max you are such a good boy!" She says as she leans down and kisses their dog. Max licked her face. Ariel giggles. Then the baby started kicking. Ariel smiles. "Max do you want to feel the baby kicking?" Ariel asked.

Max pants and wags his tail. Ariel then lays down. "Come on." Ariel says as she points to her stomach. Max puts his head on her stomach. Max then begins to feel the kicking from the baby inside of Ariel. Max was a little alarmed at first but then calmed down and licked her baby bump. He gently puts his paw on top of her stomach. Eric smiles. Ariel was very impressed. "You are such a good dog Max. Eric isn't there some way that we can reward him for being so good?" Ariel asked. Eric then smiles. "Actually there is. I'll be right back." Eric says as he kisses her and then gets off the bed and heads downstairs.

Ariel then smiles down at Max. "Eric has got something special for you." Ariel says excitedly. She loved having a loving and protective dog. It really helps in some of her situations that she is in. Eric then comes back with a dog treat and a new ball. "Hey Max. Look what I have!" Eric says as he shows Max the treats and the toys. Max lights up and jumps down and tackles Eric. Eric laughs. Then Max gets off of him. Eric smiles. "Good boy. Do you want a biscuit?" He asked as he holds one up. Max barks happily. Eric then holds it out to him and Max takes it from his hand. Max eats it happily.

Eric then gets up and goes back to Ariel. "How is my beautiful wife and baby doing?" Ariel smiles slightly. "We are hanging in there." Ariel says. Eric frowns. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Eric asked as he sits down on the side of the bed. Ariel shifts a little trying to get comfortable. "Get this baby out of me?" She asks sweetly. Eric laughs. "Oh sweetheart I wish I could but our little baby is not ready to come out yet." Eric says as he tucks Ariel's hair behind her ear. Ariel sadly smiles. "I know. It's just so uncomfortable." She says as she trys to get comfortable. Eric then gives the ball to Ariel. "Here. You play with Max and I will be right back." Eric says as he kisses her forehead.

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