Chapter 13

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Play Waiting Between Worlds (Instrumental) by Zack Hemsey and Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol.

Chapter 13

Like a raging storm, Rowan flings Roderick's house front door open and rages into the house. I follow in behind my mate with Avery right on my heels. Avery is amused for some odd reason which seems to make Rowan even more pissed off.

"What did you do?" I whisper to Avery as I sit down on the couch. With her arms crossed she stands in front of the blank tv almost across from me. Rowan can be heard loudly grumbling incoherent things in her room from even in the living room.

"We made a bet that I won," Avery explains lowly with a quiet chuckle. I nod slowly, only understanding a bit. I've noticed that Rowan revels in winning, but until now I haven't seen how she acts when losing. Definite sore loser.

"I know what you must be thinking, Ace," Avery suddenly says. She turns and inspects the tv stand's cabinet. DVD cases are staked neatly in there, looking to be all in order as well. "She's not the best when it comes to losing." Damn, I swear these dragons are even more perceptive at others than I am. "That's only partially right, as you'll come to understand the more you get involved in our world."

"You dragons sure know how to read minds," I state. Avery pauses in her searching, her pointer finger stopping on one of the DVD cases.

"Only us Light dragons have a habit of doing that." She continues to stroke her pointer figure across the cases after saying that. "It's one of our many defining traits."

"It never mentioned that in the-" I stop what I'm saying when a door slams and Rowan trudges toward the living room. "Ah, never mind." I don't want to irk Avery as seeing as she's too hard to read because of her mysterious side. I'm pretty sure even Rowan doesn't know that much about her or the Light dragon's past. They're just barely friends after all.

"Here's your damn money," Rowan growls when she walks into living room. She stays close to the couch, her right hand held out with a five dollar bill. Avery slowly closes the cabinet and stands, a half-smile on her face. Stepping towards Rowan has the redhead nearly crushing the money in her hand. "You'll have to strap the saddle on, so I expect you to not loose this seeing as you have no pockets."

Avery is wearing a light blue sundress that doesn't even fit this season (she had changed earlier for her and Willow's date), but it hasn't seemed to bother her the whole time she's been a human after the fight nearly an hour ago. She's cold-blooded as well as Rowan, but, even with the sun gone she hasn't shivered once.

Rowan on the other hand has been shivering on and off ever since the fighting stopped and she changed back into a human. Right now she's changed from her formal outfit earlier -which was covered in dirt and a bit of blood- and wears black sweatpants and a thick, plain white hoodie. Her hair has turned wild again and only has been tamed because she put it up in a loose bun.

Avery takes the money unashamedly and lifts the top part of her sundress a bit. I suddenly find Rowan's hand in front of my face, blocking my vision. What the hell?

"Seriously Avery? My mate is sitting right here!"

"It won't fall out if I put it in my bra," Avery's voice is highly amused. Oh, that's why Rowan covered my eyes. I prevent a slight blush from creeping up on my cheeks. Who knew woman used their bras for pockets? Obviously not us men.

Rowan mutters a few curse words under her breath and draws her hand away. Shaking my head, I slowly stand and join Rowan at her side. We intertwine the fingers of our connected hands and Rowan squeezes my hand a bit.

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