Chapter 10

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The drawing above (Rowan, who is sitting in a tree) is made by the wonderful @justmenothingmore who is a great writer and artist who did a giveaway and DA not long ago! Go follow her Wattpad!
Chapter 10

"Amy," I groan. Her eyes don't leave the road, either because she has elected to ignore me or doesn't want to swerve into any oncoming vehicle in heavy traffic. Or both. Yeah, probably both.

A minute of silence passes between us, only filled by the soft sound of country music playing on the radio. When we pass the center of town and just minutes away from seeing the school, I groan again but don't say anything. When the school comes into sight I slump further in my seat.

"I win," Amy says, pulling into the parking lot with ease even though one car honks at her since she cut in front of him. Amy's the first to step out of her Honda Civic after she finds a suitable parking space, beaming like the Chesire cat. If I wasn't annoyed by my own grumbling and groaning, I would have stayed put in my seat. But, being the bending type of individual I am, I grab my bookbag and drag it out of the car with me.

"Point him out," Amy demands, leisurely sitting on the hood of her gleaming, dark blue car. Reluctantly, I roam my eyes around the busy parking lot. Finding him proves easy and pointing him out to her proves easier. Her Chesire grin does not drop as she strides towards where Ace is sitting at a picnic table with a group of normal looking, but werewolf smelling friends.

He's so social compared to me.

Extroverted bastard.

My strides are nearly not as long or as eager as Amy's and I stop walking earlier then her. The little group becomes quiet when they see Amy and I. They look startled and Ace is the only one who doesn't look away from me. When he finally does look away, it's because Amy has addressed him.

"Hello, Ace. I'm Rowan's mother." Amy holds out an expectant hand that Ace immediately takes, shaking it lightly.

Her eyes flick to me, amusement shinning in them. "She doesn't have a bad choice in young men, like I thought for the longest time."

"Mom!" I say indignantly with a tad dash of hysteria, luckily remembering to play the act that Amy is my actual mother. I glare openly at her, and it deepens with her next words.

"Ignore her. She's just frustrated that I insisted on meeting you. She hates being embarrassed."

"I'll make you embarrassed," I growl lowly. Her eyes turn to me, her smile taking on a challenging hint.

"What was that, sweetie?"

"Nothing," I grumble, avoiding a fight.

Ace's soft chuckle has Amy and I's attention being drawn back to him. His eyes are only me now, and his intense gaze has color rising on my cheeks.
"I'm happy Rowan has such a great taste in men, then. Mine is just as keen, with a thirst for red-heads." Oh boy, he even adds in a not so subtle wink. This young man knows how to lay on the charm thick and make a girl's insides melt. It even effects Amy, for she's quiet for a long time. The thing that breaks our eye contact is the five minute warning bell.

"If you'll excuse me, Mrs. Willows. I'll be late to class if I don't hurry along now." He walks off, throwing me a small smile over his shoulder as he goes. Eventually, his friends get over their shock and follow after him, engulfing into the crowd. Amy is the one to turn me around and peck me on the cheek.

"He's a nice young man." She turns me back around toward the entrance and shoves me lightly off. "Okay, have a nice day at school, sweetie!"

"We'll see," I mumble to myself, joining the crowd heading in easily.

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