Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

My eyes flutter open for me to stare at my lilac ceiling for a long moment. I slowly get up from my comfy bed and run a hand through my long and curly hair as I mull over my recent dream. A nightmare about my parent's deaths. I haven't had one of those in a long time . . .

Sighing, I get up completely from my bed and trudge into my bathroom. I look into the mirror to see a tired red-head with unruly hair and slanted, purple eyes that have deep circles under them staring back at me with a still sleepy expression. We frown, and I pull open the mirror to scan over the contents hidden in a cabinet behind it. I pull out my hairbrush and toothbrush and quickly go through my morning activities. Once my teeth are brushed and I've had a nice shower, I step out of my bathroom and into the frigid air of my bedroom, my hairbrush in my left hand since I'm holding my purple towel to my body with my right.

"Rowan!" Amy's voice calls from somewhere in the house. "I'm off to work! Don't forget to let Jake out!"

"I thought you didn't have work on Saturdays?" I call back.

"Black Friday is next week!"

Oh. I forgot. "Okay! See you later!" I hear the front door slam and I smile. Amy works at the local grocery store in the closest town, Crystal Vale. Crystal Vale is also home of the Crystal Dragons from Vale High School, where I've been going since my last year. My Junior year already started nearly three months ago, and nothing has changed since last year either. Just the way I like it.

I quickly grab a gray t-shirt, a Vale High School printed hoodie, and pair of black skinny jeans from my closet. Next, I go to my dresser and grab a pair of matching undergarments then quickly change. Flinging my towel over my left shoulder, I pad out of my bedroom and into the hallway. The house is silent as I pass the stairs in the hallway and than into the kitchen where the light is still on. I shut off the light as I leave the room; now the only lighting is coming from the bay windows in the living room. Jake, our Siberian Husky, trots over to me and I scratch his head. "Let's go out boy," I murmur to him. He wags his tail in response and follows behind me.

As I'm walking out the front door, I throw the towel on the couch. Jake bolts past me and into the yard, disappearing around the house quickly. My bare feet meet semi-warm cement that is flecked with autumn leaves. I stop and stare up at the sky that is filled with grey clouds that make the sun dot in and out of existence. "A good day for a flight," I say to myself.

What I love about the house I live in the most? It's surrounded by a fairly large forest.

I look to my right to check if there is any cars parked in the driveway. None. Good. Stepping further away from the house I keep my eyes on the sky till I'm sure I'm far enough away. I close my eyes and smile widely, lifting my hands to the sky. Leaves scuttle across the ground as a slight breeze picks up and with a few violent but non-painful snaps, I have shifted into my main form. A red, orange, and gold dragon.

I open my eyes and snort; watching as a trail of smoke comes up from my nostrils. Looking back up to the sky I slowly spread my wings. With one leap and couple powerful thrusts of my wings I'm starting my ascent towards the clouds. Forest sounds shift to one's of a fairly large town as I circle far above Crystal Vale. I'm about to turn back towards home when I catch a whiff of an unfamiliar and supernatural scent. Pine needles and. . . wet dog?

I narrow in my eyesight where the scent is coming from and see two black sedans park outside the biggest and oldest house at the edge of town. Six people pile out of the first vehicle and only four come from the other. Four adults, two teenagers, a kid that looks about ten, and a baby on one of the mother's hips. They all have the strange scent about them, one of the adult males and teenage males being the strongest.

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