Chapter 2

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Chapter 2
I fucking hate mondays with a passion.
So here I sit in my bedroom at six in the morning dressed for school in the dark of my room since the sun hasn't even bothered to rise yet. Roderick is supposed to bring me a cup of black coffee but he's taking his sweet ass time. At this rate I'll be another thousand years old and fast asleep.

Roderick, what the hell is taking you so long?

One minute.

You said that five minutes ago.

No answer. Groaning loudly, I push myself up from my bed and slowly make my way towards the kitchen where hopefully Roderick is making my coffee.

Of course, I never seem to get my way.
I watch with raised eyebrows and a bemused expression as Amy is pushed up on the counter by Roderick as they play Tonsil Hockey intensely. I clear my throat loudly and Roderick jumps away from Amy while she smirks and winks towards me. I'm so used to their antics now finding them like that didn't even faze me.

"I was wondering why you were so busy," I grin at Roderick's slightly pink face as he smiles sheepishly at me.

"I better get going Rod," Amy says, kissing him on the cheek before leaving quickly to head off to work. He sighs as he watches her leave and once she's out the door and starting up her vehicle he turns to nod at me as he sets to work making my coffee. Grinning, I walk into the living room and sit beside Jake on the couch, basking in the sunlight that has now crept over the forest beside us while petting Jake softly.

The amazing smell of coffee greets my senses quickly; waking me up a bit and I haven't even had a sip yet.

"How do you think the younger werewolves will treat you at school today?" Roderick suddenly asks from inside the kitchen. Pans rattle and doors open and close as he prepares something for breakfast.

"Dunno," I say, "I'll guess I'll just have to see when I get there." Jake rests his head on my lap and wags his tail as I scratch him behind his ears.

"If they cause you too much trouble, just call upon me and I'll-"

"I can handle them Roderick." Jake whines as I move my hand away. I shake my head and he happily snorts as I start petting him again. "What are you making?"

"Scrambled eggs and breakfast sandwiches," there's a pause as he mixes something, "and nice try at changing the subject. You've obviously seen how werewolves act Rowan. The Crystal Valley pack is the second smallest pack in North America and they apparently make tons of enemies because Ace has a hatred for other supernatural species other than werewolves. But they are strong from what I've heard. Apparently they used to be the biggest pack in North America long ago but something, no one knew what it was, happened and only some fifty wolves were left."

Hm . . . interesting. I should definitely find out more if I can.

"Where did you find this information?"

"I asked the Elders."

"Oh, that sounds absolutely lovely." My sarcasm is through the roof now.

"I asked Gabriel, so, it wasn't that bad . . . until he went into a history lesson on how werewolves came into existence."

"I thought you learnt your lesson in not going to ask Gabriel questions?" I giggle.

"Everyone I asked denied to talk about them. Apparently the Crystal Valley pack is liked most amongst the Elders and some angels. Because of that, it's actually a good thing we didn't go to war with them. Many would have backed them up."

Damn. He's right. I definitely don't want another war happening between us dragons and angels. I wasn't in the war, but what I've heard from others it was brutal for both species. Even if the dragons won we still had many casualties; the most tragic one being the death of Queen Cassie Light's husband, King Uno Novic.

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