Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

When I wake up the next day bright and early at six in the morning, I feel as if noon can't come any faster. By the time eight rolls around I've bathed, eaten, and dressed, deciding to watch TV in the living room. Roderick and Amy neither come out of their bedroom, probably still sleeping because of their late night fonduing I suppose.

While watching Adventure Time Jake comes up to me and places his head in my lap, whimpering. Sighing and checking the time for the millionth time -it's only 9:27- I take him outside and sit on the front porch, watching the dark clouds move slowly in the sky. I can sense a storm coming, but it won't be here for a while yet. Once Jake has relieved himself we head back inside and at the dining room table reveals a sleepy, messy haired pair; Roderick sipping his coffee and Amy sipping her morning tea. "Morning," I greet cheerily. They grumble their greetings and I giggle as I sit back down on the couch and watch TV again. "Have a nice night?"

"If you count getting so shit-faced that you have a horrible hangover the next morning, than yes," Roderick grumbles, clutching the bridge of his nose. Amy looks more relaxed but you can see the pain flitting behind her brown eyes.

"I could help you with your-"

"No!" They both exclaim simultaneously, eyes wide. I laugh cheerily and pat the seat beside me, Jake hoping up in that place. He puts his head on my lap and I pet him, becoming more intent on the TV since I've switched it to the Discovery Channel. "Not after last time," Roderick growls.

"What? I only made your hangover worse."

"Exactly," Amy now growls.

I check the time again after two and a half shows go by. It's now eleven o'clock and Amy has left to work while Roderick went who knows where for his Elite duties. Thank the gods.

I switch off the lights in the house and the TV and take Jake out with me, going into the woods with him following closely at my heels. I know this forest like the back of my hand and when I pass the nearest creek I catch a whiff of the Crystal Valley's pack border on the other side. I follow the creek upstream to where the werewolf scents are older, knowing the werewolves will have to stop by this spot soon on a border patrol. Once I reach a small ten foot waterfall that cascades down twice, I sit on a large and mossy boulder, Jake sitting on my side.

I look over my attire again. making sure I didn't get any stains while walking through the woods. My pink and white striped t-shirt is fine and my light colored skinny jeans are also stain free. My black converse only have a bit of mud near the soles. Nodding in satisfaction I throw my head back and relax, warming my blood up by basking in the sunlight. Not even five minute go by before I hear a rustling to my right and the scent of five werewolves greet my senses.

"Afternoon," I greet, not opening my eyes. Three pawsteps and two human feet make their way towards me, and when they've stopped below me, I open my eyes and smile down at them. Jake watches them wearily and I can hear him give a soft growl. I place a conforting hand on his neck and rub the spot, him calming down a bit but still weary.

Of the humans their both males, and the werwolves have only one female. Both the human males look to be twins about in their thrities, flaming red hair like my own and forest greens eyes smiling up at me. A large gray male wolf, a smaller brown and white male wolf, and a black female wolf. The female wolf looks at me with mild disgust and anger, but I ignore her look.

"I do hope you know what time it is, Rowan," the twin on the right speaks.

"11:15 maybe?"

He shakes his head, smile turning to a grin. "No, it is 11:54."

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