Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Just after Amanda proclaims what race they are she takes off. Unlike Rowan or Avery's take offs, hers is smooth and steady, not a jolt moving through her to knock me off. It's either because of her wide and long wingspan or the wind has picked up again, but I am not an expert on dragons so I have no idea how she does it.

Where have I heard the word Novic before? I ask Anon, a bit confused as to why the name of the race is so familiar.

They were the first race of the Elemental Drakes, remember? He answers immediately. Also, they were believed to be extinct, but if Amanda is telling the truth. . .

Aren't the Novics also the most powerful of the races, too?

Yes. That is what Roenín Air said in his book.

Everything is slowly coming together now. Rowan never told me why, but she did say civil war was looming over the dragon's heads again. Last time that happened -according to that book Roenín wrote- it was declared upon the Novics by Windrowe Dark; and the other night Rowan said to me "history, especially within our Natural World, has a habit of repeating itself".

Either someone else has declared war upon the remaining Novics for some reason or the Novics have declared war upon some other race. It's more than likely the former.

Great. Fantastic. I've been flung between the conflict of winged, scaled reptiles. Like I don't have problems of my own having to deal with my pack's enemies and becoming the Alpha of the smallest pack in North America.

Where are we going? I decide to ask Gea, since Amanda is almost radiating gloomy waves now. Gea also seems to be the most friendliest of the three with her soft and smoothly melodic mental voice.

I'm sorry, but I cannot answer your question. If you were to end up being captured and tortured, you may give away our hide-out. What she says makes me frown. I look down below and notice right away that clouds have gathered below and block the view of the ground. Since I have no sense of direction either, I have no clue which way we are going.

Can we trust these dragons? Anon asks the question that is also on my mind. They may be enemies of Rowan and are taking us somewhere to be tortured.

It takes me a long few minutes to answer Anon. No. I don't believe so.

There is no evidence to back that they are on Rowan's side, Ace. They may claim all they want that they are, but without Rowan being awake we have no clue-

Anon, I soothe, relax. Trust me on this: I know they mean us and Rowan no harm. There is just something about these dragons . . . something trustworthy.

Anon grumbles but otherwise doesn't say another word.

The feeling that is radiating off of these dragons somehow makes me feel at home. I don't know why, but it just does. All I know is that ever since that one strange dragon from earlier shown me what it feels, my perspective on everything seems to have changed.

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