Chapter 10

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Once you and the boys returned to the Glade, all the boys were stood in the back corner of the Glade.

Newt rolled the metal object around in his hands, scanning every inch.

"Yeah and we found this." Thomas said as he did so. "It was inside a Griever."

"This is the same letters we get on our supplies." Newt said looking up at you all.

You narrowed your eyebrows. Letters? You didn't see letters when you had looked at it before. You walked up next to Newt, he moved the contraption slightly over for you to have a better look. And right there, labeled on the metal were the familiar letters that you saw once a month: WCKD.

"Whoever put us here obviously made the Grievers." Thomas continued. "Now this is the first real clue, the first anything you've found in over three ears right Minho?" he looked to Minho on that last part.

"Right." Minho agreed.

"Newt, we gotta go back out there. Who knows where this might lead us?" Thomas added, looking at Newt for consolidation.

Gally glared at Newt. "You see what he's trying to do right? First he breaks our rules then he tried to convince us to abandon them totally. The rules are the only things that have ever held us together why now are we questioning that?" Gally protested. "If Alby was here you know he would agree with me. This shank, needs to be punished."

Newt thought to himself for a moment, he looked so concentrated you loved it, then he turned his head up to Thomas, he handed Minho back the part then began to talk. "You're right. Thomas broke the rules. One night in the pit with no food."

"Oh come on Newt!" Gally exclaimed, getting on your nerves. "One night in the pit- you think that's going to stop him from going into the maze?"

"No. And we can't just have non runners running into the maze whenever they feel like it. So lets just make this official, starting from tomorrow you're a runner." Newt finished looking at Thomas.

Your face lit up, Gally sighed and stormed out the room, pushing Fry away as he went off into a sulk.

"Thanks Newt." Thomas finally said.

Newt sighed and turned around, as he walked back you pulled his arm making him look back at you. "Could i have my position as a runner back?" You asked.

"No." He said spinning to face you.


Newt looked up at all the other boys gleaming at you two, he took your arm and pulled you back. Newt lowered his voice, giving the impression he didn't want anyone else to listen. "Because even though you survived a night you could still die out there. And i can't have that. I can't risk loosing you."

"If i can survive a bloody night then i can survive a day don't you think?" You replied keeping your voice at the same tone as his.

"I can't risk that." Newt responded, still with a strong grip on your arm while he leaned onto the wooden post.

"Fine." You sighed. "Am i a bad runner or something?"

Newt shook his head. "Y/n you're the best, i just want you to be safe." He said looking deep into your eyes, he looked at you for a solid 10 seconds before speaking again. "I can't bloody win with you." He smirked. "You can have it back. If you need me just shout and I promise I'll bloody be there I'll be there."

You smiled up at him. "Thank you Newt."


Minho lead you and Thomas through the woods. You knew which way he was going.

"Hey where are we going?" Thomas questioned.

"You'll see." Minho responded.

Then you saw it, the runners hut. Strictly forbidden to anyone other than the runners. You stepped into the poorly built shack and took a look at the mess.

"I see this place hasn't been cleaned since I was here." You said sarcastically receiving a sigh of Minho.

You looked up at the maps hanging on the walls, and the table that was covered in a sheet. Trunks surrounding it full of more maps. You remembered filling some of them yourself. Thomas looked around in amazement.

Minho pulled the sheet from the table, to reveal a 3D model of the maze. Made from a bunch of small sticks, last time you had seen it the model was half finished.

Minho too a shrill sigh. "It's the maze. All of it."

"What do you mean all of it I thought you were still mapping it?" Thomas asked.

"There's nothing left to map." Minho answered.

You stood there in silence, looking at the model. remembering how you had run through half of the entire maze.

"I've run every inch of it myself. Every cycle. Every path. If there was a way out we would have found it by now." Minho continued.

"Why haven't you told anyone this?" Thomas asked.

"It was Alby's call. People needed to believe we had a chance of getting out. But maybe now, we have a real chance." Minho said pulling the part from the small pouch from the back of his leather harness.

"Take a look at this. About a year ago, just after y/n left, we started exploring these outer sections. We found these numbers printed on the walls." Minho pointed to the outer areas surrounding the maze, each one with a number written on a rock tp represent them. "That go through sections 1 to 8. The way it works, is every night when the maze changes it opens up a new section. So today, section 6 was open. Tomorrow, it will be 4 then 8 then 3. the pattern always stays the same."

Thomas looked down at the number 7 glaring up at him. "What's so special about 7?" He asked.

"I don't know." Minho replied. "But last night when you killed that Griever, section 7 was open. It must be where it comes from. Tomorrow we're all gonna take a closer look."

You and Thomas nodded your heads. Just then, Clint and Jeff came running over the to the entrance.

"Hey, what you guys doing you're not allowed in here." Minho said as the two boys caught their breath.

"Yeah we need y/n." Jeff replied.

"What why?" You asked.

"It's just the um-"

"It's the girl." Clint finished for him.

"What is she awake?" Thomas asked.

"You could say that." Jeff smirked.

Thank you for reading! That was 922 words! I hope you enjoyed and the next chapter will be ready soon!

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