Chapter 6

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Thomas looked up behind him, at the same time the Griever fell down to the ground. Thomas fell over screaming, you grabbed him under his shoulders lifting him up.

"THOMAS RUN!" You yelled.

You ran around the corner with Thomas behind you, he slightly fell at first but he was still behind you. The Griever screeched and was crawling towards you both at high speed.

You turned a corner with Thomas still following, as you came up to a clearing the Griever landed in the gap of the wall making you fall over. 

It stood over you, its shark teeth glowing at you. You turned your head to the side as it roared. It pierced one of its robotic legs into your right arm cutting it open.

"THOMAS!" You squealed in pain.

"HEY!" Thomas yelled trying to get the Grievers attention.

One of the Grievers arms extended from the back of its head to reveal a needle on the end aiming for your face. 

As the needle shot down you kicked hardly into the side of one of the Grievers legs making it move and just miss your face. 

You quickly scattered backwards from under the Griever into Thomas' legs. You spun around as he helped you up, you pressed your hand on your right arm to see your dark red blood printed on it.

"Shit." You sighed as Thomas pulled you down a pathway.

You both kept running, taking several turns as you did. Until you came up to a dead end.

"Oh shit." Thomas sighed.

You had no choice, the Griever spun around the corner only a few meters away from you all.

Without hesitation, you ran forwards leaped of the ground and onto the ivy with Thomas following. You pulled yourself up as quickly as possible, ignoring the Griever running straight at you both.

"THOMAS COME ON!" You yelled gripping harder onto the vines.

You reached the top of the wall, you rolled over on your side to get up then helped Thomas up too.

 As Thomas got back on his feet the Grievers spider-like legs pierced into the ground either side of him. You both turned around and started running again. There was a short jumping distance gap between walls, without any hesitation you jumped over and onto the other wall with Thomas behind you, he tripped and fell as the Griever climbed over the gap. 

"Come on Tommy!" You exclaimed pulling him up. You jumped up onto a ledge and began to run again. You had to stop once the wall ended and there was no way down. 

You and Thomas turned around to see the Griever blocking the path you had just taken to get there.

"Thomas we have to jump!" You exclaimed.

"What!" Thomas yelled.

You ran back towards the Griever, before turning around and running back towards Thomas, you leaped of the ground floating through the air and you grabbed onto the ivy hanging from the distant wall, you slid down it slightly but you got your grip back.

"THOMAS COME ON!" You yelled to Thomas, he ran backwards slightly then sprinted forwards. He jumped from the ground, yelling as he caught a grip on the vines above you.

"You okay?" You asked through nervous breaths.

"Yeah." Thomas sighed.

Not even a second later, the Griever jumped across and landed over Thomas attempting to sting him. 

Thomas quickly slid down under the Griever as you did the same. As you were climbing down the vines the Griever tried to do the same making them fall off the wall. You going down with them. 

You and Thomas landed on the ground inches away from the Griever, you lifted the ivy off you and pulled Thomas up. Thankfully, the Griever was tangled in the ivy, but it wouldn't hold it forever. You and Thomas ran back to the end of the pathway, trying to catch a quick breath. 

Suddenly, Minho grabbed onto you, making you jump out of your own skin.

"You're both crazy son's of bitches!" Minho exclaimed.

The Griever was getting out of the ivy.

"Come on!" Minho instructed turning left.

Minho lead you both down a pathway, when you heard the rumbling from the maze. "Ok its changing. Come on!" Minho began to pick up the pace again, you tried to block out the Grievers screams from your ears.

Minho stopped at a clearing, it was right by the rumbling sound. A stone wall that was as long as a football field, began to push forwards to close. 

"Okay this section's changing." Minho said. "Come on we can loose it down here!" He exclaimed as he began to run. 

You followed him, being the fastest runner you caught up to him easily. You then felt a stitch sting your chest, you fell to the side on Minho and he pushed you back into position just as you were coming to the end.

When you got to the end of the pathway you looked around to see Thomas hadn't even began to run yet.

"THOMAS COME ON!" You yelled.

"WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!" Minho shouted.

Thomas looked back, the yells of the Griever were getting closer.

"THOMAS HURRY!" You screamed.

Thomas started running, the walls were getting closer together by the second. The Griever appeared at the beginning and started to chase Thomas.

"COME ON THOMAS YOU CAN DO IT!" You yelled to Thomas as the Griever got closer to him.


"RUN!" You and Minho yelled together.

The Griever was getting closer, and so were the walls. You and Minho kept yelling at Thomas, it seemed like he wasn't going to make it.

"THOMAS!" Minho let out his final yell.

Thank you for reading! That was 972 words! I hope you enjoyed and the next chapter will be ready soon!

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