Chapter 8

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Newt was first to run out to the box, Gally behind him and everyone else following.

"I know that sound." Thomas said stopping you.

"Yeah, the box shouldn't be here." You answered. "Now come on." You started jogging forwards.

As you came up to the box the stone doors began to open, Newt and Gally lifted up the metal barred doors and Newt jumped in. You looked down into the box, there was a figure laying in the middle alone, no supplies or anything.

"Newt what do you see?" Frypan asked.

"It's a girl." Newt answered, looking at you all with a confused face. "Y/n get down here."

You jumped down into the box, you crouched down next to the figure. You looked past her buttoned up cardigan and to her face, her eyes sealed shut and her face had a lifeless glow.

"I think she's dead." You said looking up at Newt.

"What's in her hand?" Gally asked.

You moved your gaze up to a scrolled up piece of paper in her hand, you gently pulled it out and stood back next to Newt. You unraveled the paper and read the words out loud. "She's the last one ever." It was written in black ink and 'ever' was written in bold.

"What the hell does that mean?" Newt asked.

Not even a second later, the girl gasped out for air. Newt jumped back throwing his arm over in front of you. The girl continued to gasp for air, she had sapphire blue eyes that sparkled in the sun. "Thomas.." She exclaimed as she fell back asleep.

Everyone looked up at Thomas, you could just tell what everyone was thinking.

"Still think I'm overreacting?" Gally questioned.

Thomas looked down at the girl, you could tell how confused he was.

The girl was taken to the hospital wing. You, Newt, Thomas and Minho walked in to see her. You passed Alby, you took a quick glance to see him tied down to a bed struggling to get out.

"What's going on? Come on what's the matter with her why won't she wake up?" Newt asked impatiently.

"Hey man." Jeff responded, chill as ever, "I got my job same way you do."

Newt sighed, he looked back to Thomas. "Well do you recognise her?" He asked, Thomas shook his head. "Really because she seemed to recognise you."

Thomas ignored Newt. "What about the note?"

"Well we'll worry about the note later." Newt answered.

"I think you should worry about it now." Thomas argued.

Newt gave Thomas a deathly glare. "You've got nothing to do with the note."

"He's right Newt." Jeff said, joining the conversation. "If the box isn't coming back up, how long do you think we can last?"

"No ones said that." Newt responded giving a sarcastic look. "Let's not jump to any conclusions, we'll just wait until she wakes up and see what she knows." Newt said looking down at the girl. "Someone's got to have answers."

Thomas turned and began walking out the hospital wing. "Where are you going?" Newt asked.

"Back into the maze." Thomas answered without hesitation. Newt gave Minho a motion to go after Thomas.

As Minho left the hospital wing, you turned to follow him before Newt grabbed your arm.

"Where are you going?" He questioned.

"Following Minho. Why?" You replied.

"I want to make sure your safe." He answered.

"I'm just going to tell Thomas to give up his Mr Hero dream." You said reassuringly. "I'll be back in a second."

"You guys are real cute." Jeff said smirking at you both.

You gave Jeff a look that could kill and shook your arm out of Newt's grip, giving him a smile as you left the hospital wing.

"Hey Thomas." You exclaimed with your arms out.

You walked up to Thomas and Minho, Minho practically towered over Thomas.

"Are you trying to kill yourself?" You asked sarcastically, Thomas rolled his eyes as Minho added onto your point.

"Yeah you got a death wish or something?"

Thomas sighed. "Look Newt said no ones ever seen a Griever and lived to tell right? Well now we have one." Thomas pointed to the west doors of the maze. "Your telling me neither of you are either a little bit curious?"

Minho raised his eyebrow at Thomas. "Well not really no."

Thomas started walking forwards, Minho stopped him and pulled him back. "So whats the plan?" Minho questioned. "You gonna go out and dissect that thing all by yourself?"

"I will if i have to." Thomas answered. "Have the other runners left yet?"

"The other runners quit this morning." Minho replied. He turned to look over at the fire pit. You could see each former runner pulling their leather-vest belts over their heads, and Gally stood center of them all. "After Alby got stung they're not in any hurry to get back out there. Why are you?"

"I think its time we find out what we're really up against." Thomas answered.

Minho swore under his breath, he turned his head to looked at you. He raised his eyebrows in a sort of asking way.

"What?" You asked.

"Its an unofficial rule but, if neither Alby or Newt are available your in charge." Minho answered with a sigh.

You narrowed your eyebrows. "Really? I excepted it to be you."

"Y/n non of us shanks would last a few days at most without you. Now answer, can we go along with Thomas' death plan?" Minho asked.

You looked at them boy and sighed. "Shuck it. Fine."

"Alright, both of you meet me in the woods in half an hour." Minho instructed walking off.

"If anyone gets stung its your fault." You said pointing at Thomas.

"How?" He asked.

"Because this is your idea." You answered.

Thomas sighed, you gave him a small grin as you made your way over to Chuck, who was obviously struggling with anything and everything.

Thank you for reading! That was 1008 words! I hope you enjoyed and the next chapter will be ready soon!

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