Chapter 9

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Surprisingly, 30 minutes passed quicker than excepted. You stumbled behind the homestead to see Thomas waiting with his back leant against the wall. You gave a short remark on how you excepted Thomas to be late before getting interrupted by Minho, he came from behind the hut with a small huddle of 3 boys behind him. To your surprise, it was everyone you had mostly expected not to show up, Frypan, Winston and Zart.

"This be enough?" Minho asked holding onto his leather-vest belt.

Thomas nodded. "Okay. Lets go."

Your bow was strapped around yous chest, a small cylinder shape bag of arrows was tied to your shoulder. You were surprised no one had tried to stop you from leaving the Glade, maybe Gally was sticking his nose into someone else's business already. All of you ran across the Glade to the only open door, the west one. You were hitting at it with a light jog until you came next to Minho.

"Don't do it." He said in a slight breath of exhaustion.

You smirked at him and picked up the pace, zooming past him up to the doors. He yelled a few swear words at you but it was normal. You skipped up your leg as you were first to reach the doors. Turning around to face Minho sprinting towards you.

He pressed his hands on his knees and glared at you. "I hate you."

"Everyone deserves a warm up." You replied.

It was time to be serious again, Thomas led the small group around the maze. Going under ivy that dangled across walls all towards the place he had trapped the Griever the night before.

The boys passed another pathway, you quickly glanced down it to see a robotic arm extending out the wall.

"Hey guys over here!" You exclaimed.

Minho and Thomas were first to look back, once they had seen it they lead the other boys down the pathway. Once you got closer, you could see more metal robotic parts pouring out the stone wall closing. There also was a weird slimy thing underneath that almost looked like inside a body part. You almost gagged at first sight of whatever the hell it was, it was disgusting, then again you've seen worse due to living with only boys.

"That's disgusting." Zart spoke holding a spear closer to himself.

"Hey there's something in there." Thomas said looking deeper into the crack between the two walls.

"You mean besides a Griever pancake?" Frypan asked sarcastically.

You ignored his childish remark and looked further past the robotic leg sticking out at you all. It was pitch black. You could hardly see anything but a blurry outline of the Grievers last scream printed on its ugly face.

Minho walked forwards to the gap.

"Whoa whoa whoa, what are you doing?" Zart asked.

Minho looked back at him, he didn't even answer. He turned back to the Griever and slid his arm into the gap. You heard the sound of metal being pressed together before the leg sticking out of the wall began moving. It didn't do much, but it was enough to scare the living daylight out of you all, Minho had never moved so quickly in his life. Minho jumped back into your huddle as you aimed your bow at the damn thing, without noticing it had no arrow loaded with it.

"I thought you said it was dead." Frypan began.

"Was it a reflex?" Zart asked.

"You hope." Winston replied.

"Okay, lets try pull it out." Thomas instructed as he leaned forwards to the robotic leg.

You rolled your eyes. "Best idea you've had since you got here genius."

You grabbed around the leg, it had that cold metal feeling to it.

"Ready? One, two, three." Thomas announced, you grunted as you pulled along with the boys. Despite the fact that you were all pulling, hopefully non one of you weren't just putting in a half-ass effort, the dead beast barely moved.

Then the leg broke off its joints connecting itself to the body making you all fall backwards. Minho walked past the leg and over to some of the stuff that looked like it had poured from inside the Griever, he picked up one of the parts leaving a trail of goop falling off it. He stuck his hand inside making you gag and pulled out a small metal device with a glowing red light attached to it. Minho shook his hand to get the goo off and returned his gaze to the small contraption.

"Interesting." Minho mumbled.

You walked up next to him, you look down at the slime covered metal part. It had a neon red light beaming up at you and the number 7 in graves in red next to it.

"Can we take this back to the Glade?" Frypan asked. "Because I don't want to meet any of this guys friends."

"You're right, its getting late." You agreed cracking your knuckles.

You and the boys went into a smooth transition of a walk to a sprint while turning the corner.

Thank you for reading! That was 878 words! I hope you enjoyed and the next chapter will be ready soon!

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