Chapter 4

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You woke up early the next morning, to see three distant figures by the opening maze doors. You immediately recognized Newt's bright blonde hair and figured the other two must be Alby and Minho. Once the doors opened wider Alby and Minho ran into the maze, leaving Newt alone. You looked across the homestead to see Thomas watching too.

"Wait why would Alby go into the maze?" Thomas asked, it was later on in the day, you were supposed to be cutting down a tree stump. You didn't have any axes, so you had to work with knives. "He's not even a runner."

"You ask too many questions." You sighed hitting the tree with your knife.

"He's a different runner." Newt answered. "Alby went to retrace Ben's footsteps before sundown- look are you gonna help?"

"Yeah, but he's gonna go back to where Ben was just stung-"

"Alby knows what he's doin'." Newt interrupted. "He knows better than any of us."

"What does that mean?" Thomas asked.

"You ask so many questions its unreal." You sighed.

"Right it's like you heard yeah? Every month the box sends up a new arrival. Someone had to be first, alright." Newt explained. "Someone had to have spent a whole month in the Glade alone. That was Alby. I mean it can't have been easy. But when those other boys and girl started coming in one after the other, he saw the truth. And he learnt that the most important thing is that we all have each other. Because we're all in this together." 

Newt got back to hitting the stump with his knife, like he was taking his anger out on it. You signaled Thomas to come over ad actually help. He sighed and brought his knife over. Then he started to hit it from the bottom.

"Yeah." Newt said now smiling. "There you go Greenie."

The clouds began to rumble, you looked up to see them turning grey.

"Right boys lets get inside." You sighed. 

As the rain fell down on the Glade, everyone's sight was locked on the maze, all of you thinking the exact same thing; "They should be back by now..."

"They should be back by now." Thomas said, stating the obvious. "What happens if they don't make it?"

"They're gonna make it." Newt replied, trying his best to keep calm.

"And what happens if they don't?" Thomas asked.

"They're gonna make it." Newt repeated.

You sighed looking out at the maze doors. "Come on boys." You thought.

Once the rain had cleared, there was only a few more minutes until the doors shut for the night. Each one of you were stood by the doors, each one of you had that anxious feeling in the bottom of your chest. 

The first mechanical noise from the maze went off, signalling the maze would be closing shortly.

"Come on guys can't we send someone after them?" Thomas offered.

"Its against the rules." Gally answered. "Either they make it back or they don't."

"Can't risk loosing anyone else." Newt added.

Suddenly, the maze growled, and the familiar gust of wind flew out pushing your hair back, this time you were so close you had to cover your eyes.

"Oh no." Chuck mumbled as the mechanical sounds of the maze doors went off.

The doors started to close, Thomas pointed to something in the distance.

"There!" He exclaimed pointing into the maze.

You squinted your eyes to see Minho. 

"Wait no something's wrong." Newt said as you got a better view. 

Minho was carrying Alby on his back, well struggling too. 

"COME ON MINHO YOU CAN DO IT!" Chuck yelled, setting of encouraging yells from you all.

Minho dropped Alby, he started trying to pull him across the floor.

"MINHO YOU GOTTA LEAVE HIM!" Gally shouted, louder than everyone else.

"They're not gonna make it." Newt said, unfortunately only you and Thomas heard.

The doors were inches from closing, and Minho was no where near. You looked across to Thomas, and you read his looks knowing what he was about to do. You started shaking your head, but he ignored you.

It all happened so fast, Thomas pushed forwards towards the doors. "THOMAS NO!" You yelled grabbing onto his shirt. He was too strong, he was pulling you with him. You felt Newt grab onto your sleeve put it slipped out of his grasp. You felt the stone walls brush across your skin as Thomas didn't stop running, now it was too small fro you to go back the other way. You barely made it with Thomas into the maze before the doors slammed shut on your leg.

You pushed yourself up from the ground and looked around. You were inside the maze, and there was no way of getting out.

Thank you for reading! That was 800 words! I hope you enjoyed and the next chapter is ready!

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