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Hello everyone, I hope you guys are happy in your life and spreading alot of happiness. I  just wanna write this chapter before the year ends.


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"Dad won't you come in?"
Getting out of the car, I asked my dad politely. The drive to his home was full of laughter. We both talked non-stop about all the stupid things, God knows why we acted like lunatics. It was as if we were separated from ages.

Dad always created a soft boundary between us so that we could speak freely without any fear. And maybe that's the reason I'm always comfortable to express my feelings to him. His laughter was free and pure, so childish, despise he was growing into an old man.

But now those sweet songs were fading and I wondered how time passed so quickly.

"No dear, I think it's not appropriate. Besides it's not the right time to face your husband."
He spoke in his raspy voice and I thought if he has a sore throat. But reality hit me hard, it was the sadness that can be heard in his voice. A feeling of bitterness filled in me seeing how his eyes were fixed on the road and not me.

"Dad, how long will you be staying here?"
I spoke slowly feeling the cold air, brushing across my face making my hair fall around. Looking up with an unknown look the man realized that I was waiting for an answer.

A smile played on his lips, I guess he get that alot to hide his real emotions.

"I'll be staying for few more days. Don't worry I won't be going without meeting you."
I chuckle hearing his answer, how could he leave without meeting me. Walking towards him slowly, I saw a tear flowed down his eyes. A sharp pain was fell in my heart as if it wants to get out of my ribcage.

"D-ad don't cry please."
I fell my voice stammering and my throat felt heavy. Hearing me the man chuckle sarcastically hiding his sadness behind it. Stroking my hair softly he examined my whole body as if making sure of something. The tears he was holding now started to shine in his eyes.

"I wish I could protect you my daughter. It's all my fault. Due to my foolish decisions you are suffering. What a coward I am."
He spoke cursing himself and I felt my body tensed. Inhaling sharply, I nodded my head in disagreement seeing the man's lip in thin line.

"Dad, it's not your fault don't say such things for yourself. Some things are meant to happen so don't blame yourself for that."
I spoke kissing his cheeks softly. A smile formed on his face, making his wrinkles visible.

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