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I'm back... long time😅. No just joking not so long, just few days😉. So lets start....
So this chapter is continuation of the last one.

So this chapter is continuation of the last one

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The wounds will heal but the scars will always remain

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The wounds will heal but the scars will always remain.

Pain such a simple word... much related to hurt. Their relationship with a person is from ages.

Pain a four letter word so does Ease.

Hurt a four letter word so does Heal.

Cry a three letter word so does Joy.

Right a five letter word so does Wrong.

Life is so connected on its on and we don't see it. I got pain, cry, hurt and wrong. Where are my joy, ease, heal and right? Where?

Once my mom told me 'Haya show kindness to others and in return God will bless you with his mercy. And if you go against it, he will close the door of mercy for you.' From that day I kept her words locked in my heart.

Which sin I did to get such ill treatment? Did I go against him, for which he is punishing me?

Standing like a statue with no emotion I thought where was I going? I have no place to go.


Where is home? I don't have a home. Like a star, I am away from home. From dad, from mom, from a place I truly call home.

Standing in front of the mirror, I was paralyzed. Seeing my own reflection before me I was unable to recognize the stranger in it.


Those hazel eyes which always sparkle with happiness where now red. Dark circles prominently visible under them making them dull. Leaving them no more interesting thing to look.

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