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"Julie I think I should call him and tell him that I can't come. Yess I should not go."
It's been more than one hour that I am walking in my room impatiently. I feel so strange... I can't believe myself that I agreed to go with him. How stupid I am. I barely knew him and I said Yes to him. He must be thinking that I am one of the girl who has a crush on him.

"Shut up You Asshole!! It's not a big deal. And he is not a guy who will think like that. I have seen him alot of time, he never hangouts with girls. You brainless feel lucky. Bitches die to go with such handsome guys. I really want to spank your ass. Wake up... Stop running from people and enjoy your life girl."
She was angry on me and I know I am just exaggerating things.

"But Julie don't you think I was quick to say Yes. Like I don't know him and we just met once." I said while sitting on the bed, my hands on my thighs.

"Trust me girl he is not what you are thinking. You have to move own. Everyone is not like Bahlul. He was someone worst and Nail is someone who is best. I know you are afraid to start a relationship. But just give him a chance and still it is not a big deal it's just spending some time together and knowing each other. Don't ever think the tears and the sleepless nights in your life because of that bastard were nothing. Sometimes you have to go through hell to move on."
Julie came and sat beside me. She is right I have to move and past is something that always give us pain, it only break us. We should live in present and make it memorable.

"J what do you think Bahlul will not search for me? I don't know why I'm talking about him. But sometimes I really wanna know is he looking for me or not.. he will be very angry. I have seen a monster in him. A Monster in pain.. in anger... he hides something from this world. Sometimes I really want to know why he is like this. I know he is someone I will never fall for but I really pray he gets someone best in his life who can understand him. I know he would have come to my house in search of me. If he has hurt someone their? But last time I called my parents they said everyone is fine and when I asked them about Bahlul they ignored it. I want to know what is going own in his mind Sometimes I think what have I done to deserve this? Am I worthless? Why I always run away from loving...." My words stuck in my throat and the tears I was controlling roll down from my eyes.

"Shh Haya you are brave girl and never think that you are worthless. The right person will know what to do with your love, with your feelings. You won't feel the need to explain what you deserve. That person will give you enough, even more than what you deserve. Bahlul is apathetic. Such person don't deserve a pure girl like you. Don't think about him and spoil your mood. Now tell me are you willing to go or I will call Nail and tell him that you are not feeling well."

"No, I will go Jul. I think you are right everyone is not like him. Beside this I don't want to upset Nail. I have to fight with my fear. I will trust him."
I broke the hug and smiled towards her. She wiped away my tears and at that time I felt she meant alot to me. At that time I felt a person in one month can make you feel what a person in years couldn't. And Julie is one of that person. She is a friend that very lucky people gets. Guess what I'm lucky.

"Ok than Get Up you Fat Ass. What are you waiting for. No angel will come to dress you up. Now go before your lover boy come."
With that she pushed me into the bathroom. Though she has a bad tongue but from insde she is really sweet.

I wore a floral printed slim long dress. It almost cover my whole body just revealing the small part of my legs from which I was ok. It was a white dress and the print of colorful flowers were enhancing its beauty. I spill my hair in loose curls. As I don't like to paint my face with makeup alot so I applied a light makeup. But Julie insisted me alot to apply a highlighter and because of her I have to apply. I finished my look by applying a matte pink gloss on my pulp lips.

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