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"Wow Haya!! You have got a great family. So concern about you or me?"
I smirked.

"How dare you come to our house? The police will find you and soon you will be in jail." I said with proud.

"Congratulations then you are failed in your mission. Do you think it is easy to arrest Bahlul Roy. There is no one, I swear no one who can mess with me. But you know I'm not mad at you at all I'm happy that there is someone who is not afraid of me and I want to clap at your bravery that you send the cops to my house." He said in his mocking tone.

"Listen Mr. Bahlul we don't know you and we are noble people. You abused our daughter and we just take a step against it. If you want we can take back the report and I will sign the papers. If ....

"No Daddy!! You can't just do that. He deserve this why are you afraid of him? He should be punished and I want him to suffer from all those pains from which I suffered."I grinned my teeth in anger and glared at him.

"Love I didn't imagine that I will see your this sight. But it's too late now. You know this is the world of money. This selfish world don't care." I was a little hurt, I can see pain in her eyes. Those dazzling eyes show hate for me but I have to do this.

"Mr. Park we just investigated this case and found that your daughter was always with him according to her own will. He never forced her and instead of complaining you should thank Mr. Bahlul for saving your daughter on that day when a group of boys attacked her."

How did uncle know that he saved me? I thought.

"What are you saying, from a group?"
My father looked at me with concern and then back at Bahlul.
His one of the guard showed him the video and some pictures of sports day when he saved me from those guys. I was shocked. I felt like I'm paralyzed. Why?? was the only word I can say at that time. He is a monster. I gathered all the strength to speak.

"E-xcuse me officer it's not like that he abused me. He always caused problems for me. It was always against my will to go with him. He threatened me everytime. He is a pathetic human, a beast having no feelings. You should be ashamed of yourself Bahlul." I was crying a hell out of me. I don't know why I felt betrayed.

"Love you are getting on my nerves. Shut your mouth or I'll seal them myself. I think you don't want blood here." He said while looking at my sister.
"Fuck you ! You bastard don't you dare to call my sister with this cheap name.If you keep standing here I'm gonna kill you. You piece of shit. I just want to kill you. How dare you touch my sister. You...

"Hey boy you are talking too much. If you dare to say another word. I'll chop you in front of your loved ones. So calm down." He said as anger was boiling in him.

Bahlul looked back at Haya and started to approach her. Haya was afraid she knows what he is up to.

I hid myself behind my brother. I thought he will show some respect in front of my family and will not do such shameful things which he has done with me. But what can we expect from a heartless mafia.
As soon as he approached me Mark pushed him as he saw me shivering. I think it was a bad idea. Mark should have not pushed him. In return Bahlul punched him so hard that he fell down.
He grabbed my hand and pinned me on the wall. My family started to panic before they can do anything his guards blocked everyone.

"Listen Haya I don't want to hurt you but if you will do these stupid shits again I have no chance then to take you with me. But wait now I have met your family so it will be esay for me to come. And I think we can...

"Shut up! Just shut your mouth. I already knew that you are pathetic but I never thought that you will be this much shameful. You are the worse person I have ever met. No respect. A person like you can never love. Love is a beautiful thing in this whole universe. It makes everything beautiful around you. Love makes you a better person, a person you never knew exist in you. But Mr. Bahlul Roy you can never love, love is not meant for you.
Who do you think you are? Huh? You know I was never afraid of you. I was worried for my parents, my family and my friends. I don't want to lose the trust of the people who love me. But you can never understand this?"
I was crying alot. I don't know how did I get the courage to slap him.

In a few seconds he took his gun out and put on my head. I was shocked and looked at him. He was looking like a wolf, a hungry one who can tear me off anytime. My family started to shout. It was the first time I thought I'm a curse to my family.

"How dare you Haya! HUH!! don't you think you HAVE DONE A BIG MISTAKE." He shouted at me and I flinched.
"Don't you ever dare to do this thing again. I may forgive you for other things but not for this. Now your family is aware of me so we will meet more often."
After that he back off from me and walked towards my father. He whispered something in my father's ear.
"We have a long way to go Mr. Park. Some old matters are still to be solved."
He went out and I bend down and hugged my knees tightly. The last thing I saw was my father went pale after that God knows he whispered in his ear.

"You are going to New Zealand Haya. As soon as possible we are sending you there. You also wanted to study abroad so just go there and continue your studies. You can't stay here more. The more you stay the dangerous it will be for not only you but for everyone." My father speak up with his serious voice.

"Dad are you serious? But you said to me that when I will turn 21 then I can go abroad. And yo....

"You always request me to let you go as soon as possible. Now why are you questioning? And it will be good for you. Don't you want to go?"

"No dad! I am dying to go from this hell. But...

"Now it's final you are leaving in one week. I will arrange everything as soon as possible."

With that my father left the living room and went upstairs. I was still shocked. Why my father made this decision so sudden. I thought it might be because of Bahlul. He wants me to stay away from him. But I was happy that finally I will able to live a free life.

"Haya are you okay with your father's decision. My baby will you able to maintain all this? My heart is racing fast, I don't want to get separated from you. But your father has made a decision and I know he will not step back. I think this is the last way we can protect you."

"Mama don't worry. I will be ok. One day I have to go and you have always told me to stay strong and fight with the difficulties. You trust me?"

"My love I trust you more than myself. But I don't trust this cruel world. Everywhere you see you will find evils in the shape of humans. You are very innocent Haya. This world is full of devil's they don't deserve a person like you."
I wiped my mother's tears and hugged her tightly. I know she is afraid. She fears if anyone hurt me will I be able to fight back?

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