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I am sorry guys for not uploading last week. I was not feeling well. Alot of things were going own in my life. My mind was not working and I was not able to write. Hope you guys understand 🙆‍♀️. Hehehe now let's start. I will start with Bahlul P.O.V.

"Where is she? Are you going to tell me where the hell is she?"
He kicked the glass table infront of him and it shattered into pieces. He was furious... eyes red with anger. And his mind was making him crazy. He was angry on himself why was he careless. Why didn't he think that she can escape... Why didn't he keep an eye on her. He never thought that much would happen in those two weeks.

It's almost more than two weeks that Haya is gone and she was happy... more than happy. It seems like her life is changing. Her fear was gone. Her life is peaceful now. But Bahlul he never thought that Haya will run away like this.
In last couple of weeks Bahlul was really busy in his business. He knows that his brother's wanted him to die because as long as he live they can not achieve something big. Bahlul know he is far more powerful than his brother. People want call him the heartless Mafia king without reason. The way he talk, the way he see already make people around him to run in fear. His name is enough to people shiver already. And that's what we call Powerful. And this is not easy for everyone to come to this level. He knows that his enemies are always prepared to kill him and that makes him worry about Haya if they came to know about her.

"Bahlul I have a news for you." Adriel came in Bahlul's room. Adriel is one of the closest friend of Bahlul. They are very close since childhood. Bahlul was the one who saved him when he was on the edge of giving up his life. After that Adriel promised himself that he will always stay by his friend side. Bahlul was relaxing in his bed when Adriel came in. He was tired after his long trip and after the hardwork of alot of days.

"Hey I'm not in a mood to listen anything bad." He almost whispered as his face was pressed in the pillow.

"Haya left Germany." Adriel spoke.

"What" Bahlul jumped from his bed after hearing that. It seems like someone has stab him right in his heart.

"Yeah it's true. Its more than two weeks. I got to know from her college. They told that she went to Switzerland to continue her studies there." Adriel didn't want to tell this news to him but he has no choice sooner or later he will came to know.

"How dare she left without informing." Bahlul threw the lamp which was on the nightstand across the room.
"Let's go to her house. Her family is now in big trouble. I know that they have sent her their." Bahlul clenched his theeth while putting on his jacket.

"Dude stop! Look at the time it's 1am. It's not the right time to go there. We will go tomorrow. You must sleep now." With that Adriel went out.

Laying down in bed which don't feel the comfort zone anymore. It's almost two hours that I am staring at the ceiling. Darkness was all around the room the same darkness which is in me for years. My mind still thinking about her. Those dark hazel grey eyes, dark brown hair, the smile on her face which makes her dimples visible are haunting me. She is the kind of beauty that gently falls on your lips like snowflakes softly falling to ground. Everytime I close my eyes she appears in front of me. My heart started to beat fast. There is a fear in me of losing her like I will never see her again. She made a home in my heart without destroying the little home that was already there. She filled it with her few memories, it was like she was painting the walls again with new colors, slowly she was filling that old home with new things and now I wonder she is gone and if this home which she was decorating in me is still home? The home which was filled with darkness, sorrow and anger was changing because of her but now it seems like it's shattering again. I don't know what is this feeling which she is developing in me.

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