Part 6

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I felt this weird sensation of tension in the atmosphere.

Chris and I did not say a word to one another. We just stood in awkward silence.

After what seemed like forever, Chris speaks up. "Wow!"

"What the heck? Why are you saying 'wow'?" I ask.

He replies. "Just the fact that you're just...different..." he crinkles his nose and mouth, "You don't like our music and the school learners here are not running to Riley and I screaming and shouting like fans would."

Is this guy for real? I narrow my eyes and wrinkle my nose and part my lips. "In case you haven't realized, the school learners are in class right now, and it is just you and I out here." Although I want this to end quickly. "Also, what in the world do you mean by I am different?" I asked.

Chris crosses his arms and leans against the car. "You're different because you're not like any other girl I have met. You are pretty much straight forward and you are not shy to say what you want to say." Chris replies.

Is he giving me a compliment? "Oh, you? I guess I do speak my mind sometimes. I don't care what people say about me because all my life, people in this school have been rude toward me and have treated me like I am nothing. So I guess I am straight forward."

I was not a popular person in this school. It was a well-known fact. I kept getting "Kick Me" sings on my backside and then a student would kick me and laugh. The teacher on duty was around; he just didn't seem to care.

"Don't flatter yourself. I was just telling you why I find you different." Chris states.

I roll my eyes." Whatever! I am leaving." I pick up the one box and place it on the other box.

"You sure you can manage?" Chris says in a sarcastic tone.

I do not respond. Just as I pick up the boxes, the one falls out. What was inside the box is now scattered across the parking lot. Well this couldn't get any more embarrassing.

Chris looks toward the school and then bends down. "Let me help you."

"Just leave it!" I scream.

Chris raises both his hands and watches as I pick up what fell out the box.

After a while, Riley returns to the parking lot because he had finished talking to the principal.

He spots me attempting to pick up the boxes, and he runs to take one from me.

"Chris why didn't you help?" He looks to Chris.

Chris raises his hands. "I did, but she didn't want me to help." Chris says in a rude tone.

Riley looks to me. I nod. He looks at Chris. "Can we stay a little while longer at this school? The principal asked me if we could stay because he would like us to attend the school's assembly."

Chris pouts. He takes a few moments and then he looks directly at me. "Well if it is alright with you since no-one here really likes our music?"

I roll my eyes. "I don't know why you are asking me because I really don't care if you stay or not. Actually, why am I still talking to you? I thought I was supposed to discuss the decoration set-up with Riley." My tone was hostile, but I did feel a little bad saying it like that.

Riley starts to laugh. "Well I guess it's settled then. We'll stay for the assembly."

"I didn't agree." Chris says.

Riley sighs. "Well I am attending the assembly. You can stay in the car then."

Chris inhales and exhales looking at the ground.

"I'd rather not want to be around certain people who are just rude." He glares at me.

I narrow my eyes. "Do what you want. I don't care."

"Well we are staying then. Gaby, can you show me where this box is supposed to go please? We will discuss the decorations and all later. Right now, after I put this box down. Chris and I need to go to the office to discuss a few things with the principal."

Riley and I place the boxes down in the hall. "Hold up a sec Gaby." Riley says.

I open the box I placed down. I t contains educational blocks. "Yes..." I reply.

"Chris is not a bad guy. He just comes across that way, but he is a real softy once you get to know him."

"He could have fooled me." I mumble.

Riley walks to the door, and halts. "Chris isn't usually rude to girls."

"Again, he could have fooled me." I roll my eyes.

Riley chuckles. "I mean Chris does not like being rude to girls. With you however...I think he..." Riley smiles and before I can say another word, he walks out the door.

Riley thinks Chris what?

I shrug off the thought and I walk toward my class.


The bell rang for break time, and how happy was I when I heard that bell. I was so hungry. I did not have breakfast this morning. Well if you consider a fake apple I bit into breakfast...

I went outside, only to notice that the BMW was gone...

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