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We landed in California and went straight up to our sister's hotel. She'd be so surprised to see us. Drew was with me and already sleeping.

As we got to the hotel, I paid the driver, woke Drew up and we both walked up to Amelia's room only to find the door slightly open. I got scared and quickly walked in.

Was this her idea of a joke?

Her room was messed up with bottles of alcohol and pillows scattered around. By the lamp, a note was attached.

"Hi, I'm one of Amelia's friends and she just had an accident with another friend. Meet us at St. James hospital."

Damn! I sprinted out of the room back to the car park with Drew on my heel. We boarded a taxi and went to St. James hospital immediately.

Everything was blurry to me already as tears clouded my vision. The nurses took our names immediately and took us to room 374. That was where I saw my sister, Amelia.

Struggling for life.

The doctor came out and talked to us briefly but I shut him out and kept on staring at Amelia. Drew asked several questions form the doctor and the doctor kept on explaining.

After a while, Drew dragged me into Amelia's room and locked the door. Her eyes were slightly open as her breathing was forced. Like she was tying to use her last breath to talk.

I kept trying to silence her but she seemed so determined to talk.

"Find Violet, apologise." That was what she said before her eyes rolled back and she closed her eyes and stopped breathing.

Drew placed his hand on my hands as I heard a heart peircing scream. I looked at the direction it came from and all I could see was a brown wavy haired girl with her back faced towards me.

My heart clenched and unclenched several times as the tears I tried to hold back came flowing.

I just lost my sister. She was my world and now she is gone. Drew, my eleven year old brother seemed more composed than I was as he just stared into space stroking Amelia's hair gently.

Drew left the room and went to talk to the doctor, they seemed to be having an intense conversation until the doctor raised his head and pointed to a dark skinned girl with thick black hair.

Immediately Drew sighted her, she ran very fast until we couldn't see her anymore. I was less concerned about what just happened so I sat on the chair next to Amelia's bed and looked at her hoping she'd stand up and ask for water or do something.

After a while, our parents came and had a discussion with some doctors as Amelia's body was being moved. Mom and dad looked at me with resentment and left the hospital almost immediately.


Amelia is dead and it's all because of me. I caused it, I can never forgive myself. I knew they were too drunk but I still let them go. I'm so stupid. Now Amelia is dead and Andrew is hanging on by a little thread.

I broke down and cried in the hospital. The nurses and doctors tried to hold me down when her family came for her body but I kept wailing and begging them to give me a chance.

Maybe I could wake her up and we would never have gone to her hotel. Please someone should give me a chance to wake her. Please!

After sobbing for hours my dad came to the hospital, my dad is a renowned therapist and well known all over.

"Violet, I'm so sorry you lost your friend." He said as he lifted me up and pulled me into a hug.

"Dad, it hurts, it really does. She can't just decide to die! Tell them to bring her back. We have a lot to talk about. Please!" I said as I sobbed into my dad's chest.

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