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Dedicated to joseylee3

🎤🎤Baby you are strong, you are wise, you a're worth beyond a thousand reasons why.
Cos you can't be perfect baby, cos nobody's perfect darling.
No, no, no there's nobody in the world; like you🎤🎤

Violet's POV

"Vio... wake up" Sage said.

"No... wanna sleep"

"We're in California"

Wait what!

"We're in California?" I asked.


"Where's mum?" I asked

"She's probably outside" Sage said as she picked up her phone.

I looked at her and....

Woah!!! My sister is a beauty.

"Why are you staring?" She asks

"Is there something on my face?" She asked as she wiped her face fervently.

"I know I'm gonna regret this, but you look beautiful, like an actual model... and... I- never mind" I said dismissively.

"Ouuuuuuu baby girl don't stop" She squealed happily.

"Here we go" My subconscious said.

"You know this morning in Ohio I was wondering... should I wear a striped top or not... then I finally decided but I didn't know if the horizontal or diagonal stripped top..."

Seems like California is gonna be fun.

"Did you hear me?"


"I said mom called and requested that we come out of the jet. Our bags would be taken by one of the drivers" She said.

"Ummm... yeah, that's cool." I said standing up.

As I got off the jet I was met with a lot of black cars; toyota, honda... name it.
They were all here.

But then, reporters.

"Hey, take these shades" Sage said handing dark shades to me.

"Yeah, thanks" I mumbled.

"Lets go" Sage said leading the way.

We finally got to one of the cars with the reporters on our tail.


I chuckled to myself.

The car started moving and about 7 other cars were around us. Probably protecting us.

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