🌹Hold on🌹

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🎵Let me take your hand
I'll make it right
I swear to love you all my life
Hold on I still need you🎵

"Gunner! Let go of my hand" I yelled.

"When did you start calling me Gunner?" He asks.

"Don't you get it? I hate you" I screamed.

"You promised me! You said we were going to be together forever" He said as his voice cracked.

"We were kids!" I yell back.

"We were kids in love" He says softly.

"I guess high school love wasn't for us" I said and walked out of the art room as the tears threatened to fall.

"He can never understand the actual story" I thought wiping my tears.

"Violet, hold on"

"Creed?" I said wiping my tears.

"Yeah, how are you doing?" He asks.

"Fine, you look-"

"Have you been crying?" He asks.

"No I've been... Um... Really busy... Gotta go. See ya" I said as I walked through the school exit and heard some loud noises and screams.

Creed grabbed my hand and looking livid,"Who hurt you?"

"No... No one... Creed let go. You're hurting me" I said.

"I'm-I'm sorry" He said and walked away.

★Gunner's POV★

As she left I saw her wipe a tear. She just broke up with me and told me that our love was not meant to be.

I broke down and sobbed. I know the whole Harvey high thinks I'm a player but Violet was pure and I loved her.

I got up and saw a beautiful painting on one of the boards and I flared up.

"Why is everyone else happy but me?" I screamed flipping the table over.

"Why did she leave me?" I shouted as I trashed the entire art room.

"She is mine" I screamed as I broke a pack of paint brushes. Immediately I felt someone heavy push me down. I looked up and saw Creed looking angry.

"Creed" I said as my voice broke.

"She left me"

"Violet?" He asked.

"I love her"

"You love her? How can you even say you love her? You hurt her." He said as he slipped his hands through his hair in frustration.

"She said we weren't meant for each other" I said in tears.


We both looked towards the door and saw Violet looking at us. Her eyes were dark and she looked sad.

"Violet" He said in shock.

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