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A real friend is one who walks in when the rest of the world walks out.

iyanuoluwa1616 and joseylee3
Thanks for making me drop this update and other readers that were after me for an update too.

After Mike, Ace and I had made up, we agreed to meet up later in the day. Getting home, I decided to talk to Sage but I went to my room to shower. After I had a shower I wanted to come downstairs but I hit my leg on my reading table so I sat at on the floor and massaged my leg but I heard some weird sounds coming from the living room so I snuck to the living room.

"So how should we tell her?" A voice asked.

Another person sighed and said,"Violet must never hear of this."

I held my head as I felt a throbbing pain. Those words are so familiar... and it makes my head ache.

Why can't I remember who said those words?

"She has to know. Very soon." Another voice said.

I sat on the floor with my back to the wall and pulled my legs to my chest and buried my head in between my legs as I let out a shriek.

I'm trying so hard to remember.

I heard feet shuffling faintly until I heard the feet stop. I let out a sob as images in my head became blurry.

I could feel the memories, they were so close yet so far. I tried to hold on to what one of the silhouettes were saying but all I heard were shuffling feet.

"Please, just shut up. They have something to tell me." I screamed and everywhere became silent.

As I walked closer to the silhouettes they kept moving farther. I screamed and ran after them but it felt like I was just in one position.

I opened my eyes and I was staring at my ceiling with tears wetting my eyes.
An involuntary whimper escaped my lips as my bottom lip quivered, and my shoulders dropped in resignation.

Why can't I remember?

"Please breathe. Inhale."

I inhaled


I exhaled and then continued the process until my breathing was normal once again.

"Don't force yourself. If you can't remember, leave it. Please." The voice which I now recognised as Miss Tessa, my therapist.

"Why can't I remember?" I asked searching the emotionless faces of my family members as they said nothing.

"Tell me, what secret are you hiding?" I asked and looked at mom squarely.

"I will leave first." Miss Tessa said as she hurriedly left my room.

Mom, Clara and Sage looked t each other as if urging someone to speak.

"Talk if you're talking. If you aren't talking, get out." I said already highly irritated.

"I should go first." Mom said calmly and I nodded for her to go on.

"Sage applied into modelling institutes." Mom said with a sad look.

"That's great Sage!" I said turning to Sage who was looking everywhere but my eyes.

"Did you get in already?" I asked hopefully and stared at Sage.

"Yeah, I got in." Sage said solemnly.

"This calls for celebration guys." I squealed but no one moved. They all stood rooted to the ground looking at me like I'm crazy.

"Am I missing something?" I asked as I searched their faces for some kind of answer.

They all faced Clara and I'm wondering what does CLARA THE MAID have to do with this.

"Violet, I'm going to need you to calm down okay?" She said in a very soft voice.

Why do I need to calm down? Is something wrong? Is dad okay? What happened? Why is everyone looking that way? Is everything okay?

"You have to breathe Violet. You're turning purple." Sage said slowly as I started my breathing exercises.

"Vision models academy, London." Sage said as she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"That's like.... 11hours by plane. Why?" I asked as I lowered and pulled my eyebrows closer.

Don't ask me how I knew it was eleven hours. Those are the perks of being smart and current.

"That's the best modelling agency." Mom said as she angled the inner corners of her eyebrows upwards.

"I know." I said as the corners of my mouth automatically drew downwards.

"I'm leaving tomorrow." Sage finally said with her lips pouting outwards and I finally lost it.

"You're leaving tomorrow and now's the best time to tell me? Since when did you all know about this hun?" I asked and got no reply. That enough reply for me.

"Exactly what I thought. Leave my room."

"You don't understand I-"

"All of you. Out of my room! Now!" I screamed cutting Sage off.

They all left and shut my door lightly. After a few minutes, someone walked in.

"Why is it so hard for you all to understand that I don't want to see you or talk to you." I said with my head buried in my pillow and I groaned when the person removed my duvet.

I looked up furious and said,"What the hell Ace?! Ace? What- what are you doing here?" I asked Ace as he looked at me pitifully.

"Get up." He said slowly as I grudgingly sat up.

"What is it? Just go already." I said dismissing him as I made a move to get my duvet.

"She's your sister. She feels bad about leaving you here all alone. Now that you know, why don't you spend the last hours with her." Ace said but I felt like he was talking about another thing entirely.

"Its not like she's dying. She's just moving." I said and Ace flinched at the mention of death.

"Then since she is not dying, why don't you wise up, apologise and make these last hours of her being in California memorable." He said as be gritted his teeth.

Well, that's new.

"I will. Now stop advising me." I said playfully but he glared at me coldly in return.

"Whatever. I'm leaving." Ace said as he looked at me in... disgust and anger.

Now what's up?

"Hey, you have to talk to me about this." I said frantically waving my hands.

"Tomorrow around 10am at my house." I said and he simply nodded and left me wondering.

I pushed the thoughts on Ace behaviour aside while concluding he had a bad day.

I went downstairs smiling as I hugged mom, Sage and Clara.

"Maybe I need more Clara's in my life." I thought and chuckled softly.

"Mall, spa, saloon, restaurant, games and girls night." Sage said with a smile and we all nodded as we went to our rooms to change for the long day ahead.


Authors note

What's up with Ace?

Our baby Sage is going to London😭❤❤





See ya❤🤗

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