five | ❝ his broken past ❞

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tw : self-harm

third person pov

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third person pov

He ran.

Draco ran as fast as he could to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, the place he would run off to when he couldn't feel himself.

He looked at himself in the mirror, then to his left forearm, and back at himself.

He hated this. He hated having the dark mark stuck, and marked, on his innocent skin.

For the first time in a while, he cried. He cried thinking that the people who were supposed to love him and raise him, caused so much damage to himself. Mentally and physically.

He scratched the dark mark, hoping it would one day disappear from his skin. But it didn't. It only left scratch marks, which stung to the touch.

Any single reminder of the war and Voldemort always sparked up a bad feeling in him. He couldn't handle this.

"It's only the start of the year Draco. You can do it." He mumbled, trying to stay strong.

Meanwhile, Madelyn was in her dorm room, pacing around. She was worried of Draco, and blamed herself for bringing up his aunt.

She knew how he felt about this. She knew how he would react.

She had rung Theo, asking if he had seen him but he had disappeared. Madelyn knew that Draco had a perk of bottling up feelings, so she just expected that he went out for a walk.

It was only around 4:30 PM in the afternoon, so he wouldn't have gone too far.

Madelyn plucked up the courage to walk out of her dorm room, her phone in hand, hoping that she would bump into Draco and apologize.

"What would I say to him? How would he react?" She thought to herself. A few people knew about her feelings for Draco, but it never really got that strong till recently.

She walked around the halls, hoping that she would find Draco. But she didn't.

But instead she bumped into someone else.

"Oh my goodness I'm so sorry Madelyn, let me help you." A voice said, after bumping into Madelyn and her thoughts.

"It's fine.. thanks, Blaise?"

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