sixteen | ❝ payback? ❞

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snakes, a badger, & a lion
7:23 AM

good morning guys

nads aka the loml 😽💗
good morning! how are you guys doing?

nott your mans
i just came back after checking on draco, i'm omw to the great hall

nads aka the loml 😽💗
that's great :))

nads aka the loml 😽💗
have any of you seen mads?

nott your mans
i haven't

me neither

nads aka the loml 😽💗
i hope she's okay...

you guys don't need to worry, cause i'm okay :)

nads aka the loml 😽💗
oh hi mads! how are you?

i feel terrible but something came up

nott your mans
what is it?

oh nothing just... me and the twins...

preparing to prank astoria..

nads aka the loml 😽💗
i'm sorry, what?!?!

really? tbh i want in

nads aka the loml 😽💗
waiT neville you're supposed to be
on our side-

nott your mans
i gotta agree with neville rn-

we're either planning on dying her hair pink (cause we all know she's still asleep it's like early asf), or we're gonna sneak veritaserum in her drinks so that whatever she says is the truth 😌😌

nott your mans
just do both

nads aka the loml 😽💗

or i can find a herb to make her breath smell-

nads aka the loml 😽💗

aight i'll tell your ideas to the prankster twins

nott your mans


nads aka the loml 😽💗
am i the only responsible teenager
in this gc🤦🏻‍♀️


sorry for a short filler chapter! and also thank you so much for 1k+ reads! appreciate you guys! also, a quick update, in a few chapters, an old friend of the gang is going to come back as madelyn's relative! who could it be...?

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