twenty one | ❝ explaining ❞

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tw : swearing

third person pov

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third person pov

She ran.

Madelyn ran as if her life depended on it.

Draco had been unconscious for almost a week now, and Madam Pomfrey had assumed he would've stayed that way for a few weeks.

But no. He was awake.

She ran from the dungeons to the hospital wing, her small legs practically giving out.

As she arrived, she was greeted by no other than Nadia, Theo, and even Neville.

"Is- he- okay?" Madelyn asked, panting from the running.

"Woah, hold on to your horses, but yes, he's probably okay." Theo answered.

"Madam Pomfrey's doing some checks on him, to make sure he's okay, and if he needs anything." Nadia assured her.

After 10 excruciating minutes of waiting, Madam Pomfrey came out of the room, with a grin on her face.

"He's gonna be okay, a little concussion, but everything is okay. He's ready for you guys now." She smiled. Letting the 4 worried friends into his room.

They walk in to see a confused Draco, hooked up with some sort of IVs, and stuff, which worried Madelyn.

"Hey mate, how are you doing?" Theo asked, cutting the awkward silence.

"I feel like total shit. What happened?" Draco asked back.

"So um, Astoria has been sneaking in love potions to your foods and drinks, and you've been under her Imperius curse a couple times..." Theo answered for them. Madelyn, Nadia and Neville just nodded.

"No shit. That's why I can't remember anything from these past few weeks." Draco sighed before he went on.

"But I didn't do anything stupid... right?"

Everyone looked at Madelyn with uneasy faces. Madelyn remembered exactly what happened the night of the 31st of October. She couldn't forget it so easily.

"I think we'll leave you alone with Madelyn, so she can explain." Neville finally said, making the rest of them leave the two of them. Causing Madelyn to blush.

"Guess it's just the two of us?" Madelyn laughed, trying to cut the awkward tension.

"Madelyn, what happened?" Draco asked.

"Do you remember the party? The halloween party?" The brunette haired girl asked.

"I remember a bit, but not all." The blonde haired boy then answered.

"Well.." The girl sighed, scooting closer to Draco.

"Me and Nadia arrived at the party, and we were greeted by Theo and Neville. They were extremely worried of you, because you had changed. A lot. We didn't know anything, we were just sulking there, till I was pulled by Blaise and he-"

"Asked you to snog?"

"Wha- No, Draco he came out to me. He admitted he was gay to me, and then you popped up at the stage, and um..."

"What? Blaise is-"

"Yes. Apparently half the school knows about it, and well he just told me that night."

"That's great for him."


"But Merlin I didn't do anything stupid, did I?"

"Well... you sort of um... slut shamed me? You also made fun of my parents dying in the war, and about how I got shagged by your best friend when it's not true...?"

There was a really awkward tension between the two. Too awkward really.

"Madelyn, I am so sorry, I know you probably feel really hurt that those words came out of my mouth, but you understand I didn't want to say that, okay?"

"Draco it's alright-"

"Oh for Merlin's sake, let the poor boy rest! You kids get going, visiting hours are over for now!" Madam Pomfrey announced, barging into Draco's room.

"Oh, okay. I'll see you soon, okay Draco?" Madelyn sighed.

"Yes. You'll see me soon." Draco smiled back, assuring her, that he was going to be okay.


sorry for not updating! but i hope you enjoy today's chapter! also, i would like to thank you all for 5k reads! that is so unbelievable 🥺, thank you. that's all from me now, have a great day/night!

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