epilogue | ❝ after graduation ❞

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liked by dracomalfoy , theonott , nadshopkins & 2,795,838 othersmadelyndela | sour album debut! ty for everything 😋

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liked by dracomalfoy , theonott , nadshopkins & 2,795,838 others
madelyndela | sour album debut! ty for everything 😋

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After graduation, everyone drifted apart.

It was expected, but they learned to grow up from it. Harry and Ginny got married, Hermione and Ron, and Luna and Neville did too. Theo and Nadia are engaged, Cedric went out to become magizoologist/zoologist in both the muggle world and wizarding world.

On the other hand, things weren't best for Draco and Madelyn. They had issues because Madelyn wanted to go and pursue her music outside of the wizarding world, while Draco wanted to keep things on the down low, in their own world.

2 years after graduating, Madelyn and Draco went on their own ways, but still promising to stay friends and to always keep in touch.

Madelyn went to pursue her dreams of making music in America, where she published her debut album, and also traveling the world with Nadia, before returning to London 5 years after graduation.

Madelyn learnt to be independent, she and Draco became good friends once more, the rest of the crew all learned to adapt to the new changes.

But what was best was that nothing was filtered, or covered up. They didn't need filters to cover up their lives, even if things don't go to plan (which happens often.).


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