nineteen | ❝ the reason ❞

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astoria greengrass
9:32 AM

is this astoria?

yeah? who are you?

this is um, madelyn delaware

oh. what do you need?

i just wanna ask you smth..

um alright, shoot

why did you do it?

do what

give draco the amortentia and put him under the imperius curse

i'm sorry madelyn.


can you promise me something?

what is it?

just don't tell anyone. okay?


my parents, they want me to marry a rich pureblood man to continue our legacy, but i came out that i was bi, and my parents didn't accept me at all. i have this crush on your best friend, nadia, is it? and i know my parents would never accept me dating a girl, so i tried to get draco to like me and well, now we're here.

oh astoria, i didn't know at all.

i'm also sorry, me and my friends wanted to prank you to get back at you, but we didn't know what was going on with you.

about you, i respect you, and about nadia, i'll talk to her. she's also been acting weird, so i'll talk to her for you.

you are so brave coming out like this.

only my sister and you know...

but thank you so much madelyn.

no problem :))


woohoo! looks like astoria isn't the villain after all ;)), also thank you so much for 2k reads, i appreciate it sm! love you all, and stay safe 🤍

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