thirty four | ❝ code ferret ❞

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dumblewhores 😩⛓
7:19 AM

freddie 🧨
good morning hitlist

georgie 💣
morning lovebirds stop shagging

who would be shagging this early in the morning-

my ferret boy 🤍
i mean pansy and theo are basically half naked in the slytherin common room sofa

blazin hot 🥵
im sorry, WHAT

mione 📚
good morning students!

pansy 💐
i'm sorry what are you all doing this early you woke us up


us huh 😏

pansy 💐
um no i mean just me and my cAt

blazin hot 🥵
aren't you allergic to cats?

pansy 💐
shove off i'll tell y'all later

mione 📚
who's coming to the christmas ball??

my ferret boy 🤍
all of us basically, but then i have a new years party held by the malfoys

they do this every year🙄

maybe this year you'll invite ALL of us

my ferret boy 🤍
hey! it's not my fault my dad was very prejudiced back then, now he's just.

cedric deadric ⚰️

blazin hot 🥵
he paints self portraits of himself 😃

nott your mans
anywaysss, mads! nads! how was
your picnic?

pansy 💐
yeah and why was nads sobbing at 6am?

um. the picnic was great! but nads,
you can tell theo what happened

nads aka the loml 😽💗
so basically, astoria's parents arranged a marriage for her with adrian pucey, and even if her parents accepted her for who she is, she has to marry adrian and we're now better off as friends :))

cedric deadric ⚰️
owh nadia i'm so sorry 🥺

pansy 💐
hope you feel better love!

im always here if you need to cry on my shoulder nadia🤍🥲

my ferret boy 🤍
im here for you hopkins

nott your mans
me too! astoria may have not been able to have a choice, but atleast y'all are still friends :))

nads aka the loml 😽💗
thank you theo and the rest too


nads aka the loml 😽💗
7:22 AM

hi nadia, how are you?

i'm doing okay-ish, i guess.

tori has been mia since she was
sUmMonEd to her manor

awhh, i hope you're alright 🥺

i know how much she meant to you

yeah, but i'll move on eventually.

anyways, what's up with you?

i noticed you were a bit anxious
this morning

oh it's nothing

is it a code ferret

yes its a code ferret🏃‍♀️😩

spill the butterbeer

so apparently, headmistress minnie asked me, fred, george, harry, and pansy if we could perform for the christmas ball due to an inconvenience...

wait, like perform on stage?

yeah like a band..

oh my god maddie that's so great!

you've been hiding your guitar skills
for a while and i srsly cannot wait
to see you perform!!

#proudmother 🥺😩

the thing is, i was supposed to also dance
with draco if he asked me to the ball...

which he hasn't...

oh no

how do i tell him?

just don't

make it a surprise

oh so it'll be like

hey draco! your soon to be gf secretly
can play hayloft on the electric guitar
and i look really hot rn and also what
are we?

girl just express your feelings through
a song

perform it and maybe i'll nudge draco
that hey! what if she's talking ab u?

really? thanks a lot nads🥺

anything for my fave girl

anyways i see you and theo

ahaha, no❤️


hi hi hi! i'm freaking out rn, we just hit 50k reads wtf! i love you all so much, this is such a huge milestone to me.

also, i've been seeing in the comments, that you guys have been talking about an actual hogwarts gc of your own! so i was thinking, what if i made a discord server for us? we can talk about conspiracies, you can drop your ideas and memes to use for the book, etc.

sorry if this chapter is a bit filler, but love you all so much! 🍄

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